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Posts posted by 2003

  1. BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. – Authorities said a man, 66, was arrested after calling 911 on Saturday to complain that a fast food restaurant ran out of lemonade. After a drive-through employee failed to respond to the man's threat of contacting the police, the irate diner called 911, a police report alleges.

    He spent about 5 minutes talking to the 911 operator about his complaint.

    Boynton Beach said the man was charged with abuse of 911 communication.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/odd_lemonade_emergency

    This is why old people shouldn't be let loose like this.


  2. I just want somebody to mod ratman or find him I can't wait has any one found the bastard
    I just want somebody to mod ratman or find him I can't wait has any one found the bastard

    Man I just wish I found him or the alien base

    lol @ Quoting yourself.

  3. BUMP again.

    Anyone here still watch Wrestling?

    The Royal Rumble was absolutely awesome. I love Randy Orton! His character is so great at the moment, he has a very nice move set, great mic skill. I think he's taking his place as the top talent of the younger generation. Can't wait to see how the McMahon storyline pans out.

    Also the MAtt/Jeff, Edge and soon to debut CC storyline is surely going to be great as well, and lead to one hell of a Match at WM25.

    Yeah, i'm happy Orton won the Rumble. He's my second favorite Wrestler on the Raw Brand (Chris Jericho being my favorite).

    I was also disappointed that Christian didn't return at the Rumble, but that was what everyone was expecting, so now we'll have to wait longer for his return. Hopefully this Matt Hardy turn will help boost his career, unlike last time.

  4. Sorry if a similar Topic has already been posted but i just found something interesting..

    I was on colony island under the Algonquin Bridge waiting for one of those transportation carriers that you can ride (I forget what they are called.) And while i was waiting there we're two pedestrians waiting around, and one of them appeared to be a kid! From what i could tell, he seemed to be around 10-12 years old. He was pretty short, had a high pitched voice and was wearing a baseball cap and Glasses. I took out an M4 and blasted him away just to see if it was even possible to kill him. I would have taken pics but i don't a camera.

    I'm not sure if this was infact a child pedestrian, it'd be a surprise to me if R* actually put children in GTA IV. Has anyone else seen this ped? Does he usually hang around the carrier terminal? It was the first time i went there so i'm not sure..

    Sorry again if this was already posted.

  5. Usually i just Download music every now and then, i've been trying to buy music more often, though.

    I've also Downloaded GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City, but that was on my old Computer. My new SA is bought.

  6. I've saw it too, but it wasn't from you.

    Actually, i was the one who Uploaded that Video.

    I found an Old GTA III Trailer on one of the Game Websites, someone else had Made a Myth Video about this but on a Different Website, so i decided to make my own Myth Video on his and to Upload it onto YouTube.

  7. Chuck Norris once went to burger king and ordered a big mac. He got one

    When Chuck Norris excersises the machine gets stronger.

    When the boogeyman goes to sleep at night, he always checks

    his closet for Chuck Norris


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