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Posts posted by rzcsc

  1. Dragon ball z is probable the greatest action cartoon ever. I remember watching that everyday at 5 on toonami bout 7-8 years ago. The GT series took too long to come to america, so I was pretty much bored with it, and quit watching it. But still, the cartoon is a serious classic. Best moment i can remember is a tie between when gohan turned SS2 for first time to eventually beat cell, or when Goku turned SS3 for first time fighting majin bu...both had some extremely cool music too i remember.

  2. It was good, but not great. Unfortunately, my expectations for this movie were way too high. I thought it was going to be the next big movie of our time. Action sequences were tremendous, but the story was just average, and extremely boring at times. P.S. Xerxes (spelling?) is a beast in that movie, is that the man's real height, or is it computer generated??

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