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Everything posted by eclipse

  1. no, On an online roleplay community (gfrp) i'm a police officer, and i'd like a new car for lvpd, but not one that's huge and will lag me.
  2. For any modelers out there, I and others in my community have a large, organized police department. We are all in love with our cruisers; however, all the models we download to replace the police cars lag too much because they are simply to big. Can anyone out there make a decent LVPD car that won't lag us? We aren't looking for a masterpiece, just a simple crown vic with nice lights, and detail but nothing huge, preferably under 1meg, if not smaller. Much thanks!
  3. I play on a cops server, and I'm a bit OCD when it comes to the appearance of my car. I can't stand driving around in a car that's all dented and fucked up, I can't stand it. The thing is, its a cop car, so I can't fix it at Pay and Spray. Is there any mod that will let me use pay and spray with a cop car? Or is there a hack I can use that lets me fix the car instantly, or maybe keeps it in perfect shape? People always crash into you, so its a horrible pain in the ass keeping it looking good. Any suggestions?
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