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Everything posted by René

  1. I loaded now the Nissan Skyline for GTA San Andreas gin lower! Now I have got these Files: What must I make now? I had also already other files, that were something other, but I did not know also, what I had to make! Please help me! Thanks!
  2. Sorry however I cannot use your tip! Here once again question means: Into which file must I give a file, that I loaded here?
  3. Hy.. I'm from Austria .. and I'm not very good at english! if you can write in german, please write in german. When I am downnloading something, it is on my desktop. And what have I to do? I had to put the files in a folder. But in which one? Please help me ... here in german: Hy.. Ich komme von Österreich ... und ich bin nicht sehr good in Englisch! Falls jemand Deutsch kann, bitte in deutsch schreiben. Wenn ich etwas downloade ist es auf meinem Desktop. Und was muss ich dann machen? I muss ich Datein in einen Ordner geben! aber in welchen? Bitte helft mit ... Thx
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