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Everything posted by Thurstino

  1. hi there everyone I have still problems with my savegame because i hate it to do missions but i like to kill all the people and going into the casino and tht kind of things so i download save games from this site but like i said in an another topic i have downloded a savegame from an another site and the description says for version 1.00 and in my readme file from GTA SA stays that it is version 1.00 but when i load the savegame he starts with the first mission then you see a little movie where that men is on the airport and checks hisself in and that kind of stuff when i skip the movi begins it with the first mission ad you have to "jump on the bike" but that i the first mission isn't it? so what do i have to do i just want to play the game with a downloaded savegame from 100% that was happening yesterday when i unninstalled the game and install it again but it doesn't make any sense :'( :'( :'( oh i once ran that downgrader and i tried to load the downloaded savegame what i downloaded from this site and then it quited the game automaticly and he said that the game wasn't responding and asked if i want to sent the technical raport to microsoft if somebody knows what the h*ll is going on here Greetings: Thursten
  2. no i didn't changed the MAIN.SCR i don't even know what that file is but do you think that it helps when i re-install it ??? and i also don't use mods because i don't know how to use and install it but what can be the problem if the MAIN.SCR is not changed
  3. This is weird when i start a new game GTA SA does works good is it because of the save game or because of GTA SA i can't understand it
  4. oow i'm sorry i am from holland so i can speak not so realy good english but i try and i have Dyslexie well i can start GTA and load the game but when i click on the saved game to load it i see 1 sec loading and then GTA quits automaticly and then i see a dialogbox and there stays doesn't responding and he asks if i want to sent the error to microsoft or something like that
  5. never mind i got already but i ran it and now works GTA SA not anymore what the F**k is happening what can i do to get work again ???
  6. the link on that other article doesn't work well i have it opened 4 times but i can't see anything IE (Internet Explorer) says page can't be displayed so do you have any other links where i can dowload the Downgrader Greetings: Thurstino
  7. hii there, i have a problem with a downloaded save game i have a few dowloaded save games but when i try to load it the game begins at the beginning and it says i've 0.00% progress made if i starts GTA San Andreas and then click on load game then is my Save Game standing there but when i click on it the game starts at the begin of GTA SA i don't understand i copy and paste the Save Game to GTA San Andreas User Files but it doesn't work PLEASE HELP ME Greetings: Thurstino
  8. hello, i have a problem: I don't know how I can use a file: it's a save game that i downloaded from this site but i just don't know where i must place it in wich directory and wat do i have to delete and tht kind of things can please somebody help me THNX Greetings: Thurstino
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