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Everything posted by vjete

  1. vjete


    PC Where do i start?
  2. 1) u are uding the version 2 off the game, wich there arent trainers for, in that case, download the downgrader patch and it will work 2) ur trainers sucks ass these are just 2 posibilities, it can be alot else... sounds like u have windows vista? maybe compatibilty problems (loool i can't type english well:)
  3. I know what you mean. It was a pain in the ass! I usually hate RC kind of missions anyway. haha thejn just dont do it Z's missions arent necesary lol.... u can complete th game without doing them, .... just ignore hem....
  4. Lol , u shouldnt have dated her or cheated in the first... If u just kill that bitch then woozy will call asking you whats taking u so long to get the keycard. he will tell u to go and steal it in her house. U just walk in and the key card is right in front of you....
  5. So i just finished GTA:SA, Now i'm wondering, I have been playing (stunting) for the last couple of houres. And it is boring as hell! Then i went searching for the point to start a 2-platyer mode. Turned out that wasn't possible in a PC version of the game. Would it be possible, to make an entire new storyline, with brand new missions, that people can download adn there u go, u have urself a new game. I guess it would be without the 'films' at the start of the missions.. Can this be done???
  6. so i just finished the complete storyline of san andreas, what can i do now in the game, i played it continuesly and i'm at 100% .... no shit.... too bad people never taught about making an entire new storyline with brand new missions etc...
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