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  1. I have tried that and it still has the same problem. It fails to save on my friend's PS2. Another observation I have made is that the memory card never records the date correctly. I have modified the internal clock to display at least 2007, todays date and time. But when it saves, it shows January 24 2156! and the time stamp is always incorrect (time stamp is random). I am beginning to think that it has something to do with memory card's failure to record date and time and maybe it is conflicting with the time of day in GTA3. The reason is I can save and load other games that do not depend on time. I have seen other memory cards and they all record the time correctly.
  2. the problem is when I try to save, the ps2 resets and brings me to the browser page. It does not show the intro, it skips right to the screen with the memory card and disc. every time i try to save it would do that, so the file corrupts itself. Do you mean: 1. take GTA3 and memory card and play it at friend's ps2 2. save a fresh new game 3. take it back to my house and play then save? I think so too and im going to get a second memory card just to make sure as well as the idea ArtSweet suggested thanks for everyone's help so far!
  3. Hello, this is my first post in this forum so please be gentle! So the problem is: I try to save a game in GTA3, it would hang at the "do not remove memory card" screen and then the game would close and I am brought back to the PS2 browser page. After this happens, my file will not load, the game would hang at the "load successful" screen and stay there indefinitely. So i have to restart and delete the file before I can play again. Or I play without the memory card which is pointless. Gameplay on the other hand is fine. My PS2 is unmodded and I'm using the official 8mb memory card from Sony in SLOT 1. At first I thought this was a memory card problem but it saves and loads other games just fine. It just has a problem with GTA3 only. Your insights/solutions are appreciated!
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