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Everything posted by raidenraider200

  1. Over the last 3 days I have developed a new fan-edit trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV called "Mike is Right" it's only just over one minute long but I think you'll all enjoy it as it incorporates scenes and audio from all three trailers from the game. You can also view or download my first fan-edit trailer called "Living The Life" below aswell View Fan Edit Trailer 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA-dxbPyn7s View Fan Edit Trailer 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwhAEywGeJU Download Fan Edit Trailer 1 http://mattyblog.cookynet.com/gta4-files/g...r1_1280x720.wmv Download Fan Edit Trailer 2 http://mattyblog.cookynet.com/gta4-files/g...r2_1280x720.wmv
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