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  1. .... You guys ever thought of REPLACING THE MODELS instead of just adding them? For example instead of pressing replace, you delete the original car .dff and .txd and replace them with the modded ones.. Remember to back the gta3.img. And i think .dff and .txd files are all you need... wtf are u guys talking about some SAMI files??
  2. I'm not trying to whine about this either, and I understand there are too many people in this forums and are hard to control. I'm not blaming the admins here, i'm just telling the people who are whining to read this forum. NOT THE ADMINS. But I would really think that posting a sticky with title in bold and capitals : ALL PEOPLE WITH TECHINICAL DIFFICULTIES PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING ON FORUMS! and put FAQ and solutions along with instructions on how to search the forums or where to post these topics. sorry if I seemed like a person crying about a forum. This post was meant for the people who post on the gtasa modding section. Maybe I shouldn't have posted this topic... I think i'm picking a fight with the admins.. )= THIS TOPIC WAS NOT MEANT FOR ADMINS. but please consider my idea, and all those people with tech difficulties please consider posting or searching the forums as well before posting on the wrong section. By the way, do admins get info on how many people subscribed on this forum? because it seems there are thousands of people who registered. 4 people with techinical difficulties posting on the worng forums don't happen everyday you know..
  3. All of you who are whining and complaining in the GTASA modding forums please stop HOGGING THE FORUMS! seriously, if you click GTA San Andreas above and click on the Help category YOU CAN POST IT THERE. its starting to piess me off when every time i log on there are 4 new topics all about how to mod and etc. And just to tell you ppl i log on EVERY DAY. Imagine how much topics about complaining there would be after a month. Actually I made my account like yesterday .. (= But still, what i'm trying to say here is after i surfed the forums a little bit, is that there is a general help and gameplay section available. Search for topics that people have posted and with the same problem or post a new one in the help section. NOT HERE. That's all I ask. And to admins, you guys should make a sticky somewhere on techinical difficulties. I know you made stickies on guides, but lots of people have problems.
  4. Umm I saw this bike at a popular science magazine, and the middle of the tires DO GLOW. The reason is because as you notice the bike itself doesn't have lots of lights. The both tires are actually 2tires in 1 tire like those in trucks. thse small tires sandwich a huge brake mech. this brake holds both of thse sandwiching tires and stop the bike with lots of power. and also in front, there are small squares where the cooler cools the break down and using both batteries and the brake power it charges the ultraviolet light in 2 large rectangles made for the coolers. Anyway, the bike isn't what i really want people to mod the apollo. The whole car looks just like the lamborghini gallardo except it has a bigger and better engine. It's the third on the list to one of the fastest cars in the whole world. Also, the car has better handling and bigger tires, so the tires actually "stick" onto the road for racing. Unlike the Gallardo the tires don't drift every time you try to make a sharp turn. So this car would probably be wayy easier to drift with. ALL MODDERS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEAS WITH A CHERRY ON TOP CONSIDER MAKING THIS CAR!!! Best handling, especially for drifting, faster engine, better tires, better spoilers, better armor! WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR????-
  5. Hi, I'm new around here and also new to modding. I have just started modelling and am still learning the basics. But until i learn all the elements to modding, I couldn't help but request for modders to make some of these cars. Searching for car mods, i could only see modern or classic car mods. So I decided to request for lots of downloaders out there. 1: The Gumpert Apollo. Futuristic looking car with a huge engine that takes up one-third of it's space. If you click this link, you'll see pics of this car and you'll also notice that the back of the car is the same level as the roof. http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&a...Gumpert+Apollo+ 2: The Dodge Tomahawk, one of the fastest motorcycles ever built. The wheels are the coolest, but i'm not sure the whole bike looks cool tho. But i'm sure all pro modders reading this could modify the bike a little bit to make it look better. Oh and by the way, the middle of the 2 wheels glow at night. If modders out htere could make those wheels glow at night or even at daylight, that would be cool. These 2 cars are the onlly ideas i have for now. plz reply if you are considering to make these vehicles. EDIT: pictures 1 : showing the exotic front part of the car , looking almost like the lamborghini gallardo except much more sharper. http://www.autospies.com/images/users/5MTe...range_front.jpg picture 2 : the back part of the car , you can see it's looking sexy as it is and i shouldn't have to say any more. http://www.mark-ariu.de/WordpressNeu/wp-co...led_600_009.jpg
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