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Posts posted by rikitiki

  1. prh.jpg

    Server Address:

    Server Owners: Ian Fox ( Foxy ), Alessio Sinatra ( MindF**k^^)

    Website: http://www.projectroleplay.tk

    Location: Tallinn, Estonia

    Gamemode Name: HRP Stable V0.1

    Gamemode Type: Hollywood RP



    Project Roleplay: Hollywood is a new SAMP server, it has a script based in Los Santos ( Hollywood in our server ), with ALOT of features and different commands to help you to roleplay and make the roleplay better. We have quite a few factions, also if you have an good idea for your gang or mafia, apply and maybe you will get scripted in.

    There are many factions waiting for a leader, also the most active and trustable players will be made as admins. Just visit our forums and server for more information and help.


    Legal jobs:




    Car mechanic,




    Taxi driver,

    Bus driver,





    Street sweeper.

    Illegal jobs:


    Drugs dealer,

    Drugs farmer,

    Drugs smuggler,

    Materials smuggler,

    Gun maker.



    Legal factions:

    Police department,


    Medical department,

    ABC Studios,

    The Goverment,

    National Guard, :

    Illegal factions:

    The Grove Street O.G.’s,

    The Surenos,


    La Familgia Sinatra,

    Hitman Agency,

    The Cripz’

    PS! If you are intrested to lead one of those factions go to our forums at www.projectroleplay.tk and post an application, with your own format ( don’t be lazy to write ) on to the desired factions topic.


    Returning after you crash

    When your game crashes, you'll be returned at the same position where you crashed.

    Clothes system

    Lets say that you selected Male character, so you can have male skins only. No more stupid non-rp skin changes, you have to go to clothes shop and buy some new clothes.

    Vehicle Ownership

    You can buy a car from car dealership or a player. It will belong to you untill you sell it, and you can /v park your car everywhere you want.

    You can own 3 vehicles at the same time.

    New drug dealing system

    The old one godfather drug dealing system was kinda non-rp, so here is the new one. There is a drug farm in blueberry, drugs farmer harvests some drugs and stores them at a "drugs bank". Then drugs smuggler goes to "drugs bank" and loads some drugs (ofcourse he has to pay for it a little) and delivers drugs to the safe spot. Then drugs smuggler sells drugs to drugs dealer at the black market and finally drugs dealer sells drugs to other players.

    New cellphone system

    We have improved cellphone system a lot. You can call with unidentified number as the unknown person. Every cellphone has a speaker, that you can turn on. /hangup bug fixed too and new command /hidenumber for donators. Short number added instead of /service [name]. Ex.: /call 111 will call you a pizza boy.

    Car engine

    Car must be started, before driving. You can start you engine by pressing SHIFT or typing /engine. Engine has 3/4 chances to start and 1/4 to fail. If car damage is more then 50% your engine will brake down, so you have to call a mechanic.

    Mask system

    We have mask system too, once you are Level 5, you can buy a mask at 24/7. If you're wearing it, no-one can see your name. And you'll be with the unknown name too. Ex.: Stranger says: Stay cool.

    Note system

    Everyone has a notebook with 5 pages, you can /createnote, /givenote, /shownotes, /deletenote.

    Inventory system

    If you put your gun at your inventory it will be saved even you'll disconnect.

    Trunk system

    Every 4 wheeled car has a trunk with 4 slots for weapons and 1 slot for body armour.

    Trunks are saveable, so your guns will be saved even after game mode restart.

    Smoking system

    To /smoke you need to buy some cigarettes and a lighter from 24/7. You smoking section lasts 60 seconds and you i will get 15+ HP due your smoking section. Every 15 seconds you flick from the cigarette.

    Weapon dealing system

    There is a Materials bank at docks of Los Santos. Materials smuggler (job available for everyone) picks up a material package from Blueberry materials factory and puts a package at Materials Bank. They will get a little profit for that. Gun Maker (faction only job) buys materials from materials bank and then he/she can /creategun. To create a gun you need to put a package at Gun factory and then factory worker will say if it's done.

    And some more like:

    - When a player gets killed, he’ll spawn at hospital and must wait some time before respawn.

    - Advanced vehicle system.

    - Each faction has gates, which are really easy to use and make. (LSPD,FBI,ARMY)

    - Advanced anti-cheat system.

    - Anti AFK system.

    - A new job system.

    - Animation system.

    - Newspaper system.

    - Gangs and mafias have languge system.[Japanese,Spanish,Russian,Italian]

    - Highly advanced black market system.

    - ATM and bank system


  2. irpa.jpg

    Server Address:

    Server Owner: Jesse Paxton, Cristofer Martin, Jason Clark

    Website: http://www.projectroleplay.co.nr

    Location: Tallinn, Estonia

    Host:Delux Host

    Gamemode Name: intrp V0.1

    Gamemode Type: Los Santos RP


    International Roleplay is a new SAMP server, it has a script based in Los Santos, whit ALOT of features and different commands to help you to roleplay and make the roleplay better. We have quite a few factions, also if you have an good idea for your gang or mafia, apply and maybe you will get scripted in.

    There are also quite a few official factions, which are in need of leaders. So if you are interested, go to our forums and apply.


    Returning after you crash

    When your game crashes, you'll be returned at thes same position where you crashed.

    Clothes system

    Lets say that you selected Male character, so you can have male skins only. No more stupid non-rp skin changes, you have to go to clothes shop and buy some new clothes.

    Vehicle Ownership

    You can buy a car from car dealership or a player. It will belong to you untill you sell it, and you can /v park your car everywhere you want.

    You can own 3 vehicles at the same time.

    New drug dealing system

    The old one godfather drug dealing system was kinda non-rp, so here is the new one. There is a drug farm in blueberry, drugs farmer harvests some drugs and stores them at a "drugs bank". Then drugs smuggler goes to "drugs bank" and loads some drugs (ofcourse he has to pay for it a little) and delivers drugs to the safe spot. Then drugs smuggler sells drugs to drugs dealer at the black market and finally drugs dealer sells drugs to other players.

    New cellphone system

    We have improved cellphone system a lot. You can call with unidentified number as the unknown person. Every cellphone has a speaker, that you can turn on. /hangup bug fixed too and new command /hidenumber for donators. Short number added instead of /service [name]. Ex.: /call 111 will call you a pizza boy.

    Car engine

    Car must be started, before driving. You can start you engine by pressing SHIFT or typing /engine. Engine has 3/4 chances to start and 1/4 to fail. If car damage is more then 50% your engine will brake down, so you have to call a mechanic.

    Mask system

    We have mask system too, once you are Level 5, you can buy a mask at 24/7. If you're wearing it, no-one can see your name. And you'll be with the unknown name too. Ex.: Stranger says: Stay cool.

    Note system

    Everyone has a notebook with 5 pages, you can /createnote, /givenote, /shownotes, /deletenote.

    Inventory system

    If you put your gun at your inventory it will be saved even you'll disconnect.

    Trunk system

    Every 4 wheeled car has a trunk with 4 slots for weapons and 1 slot for body armour.

    Trunks are saveable, so your guns will be saved even after game mode restart.

    Smoking system

    To /smoke you need to buy some cigarettes and a lighter from 24/7. You smoking section lasts 60 seconds and you i will get 15+ HP due your smoking section. Every 15 seconds you flick from the cigarette.

    Weapon dealing system

    There is a Materials bank at docks of Los Santos. Materials smuggler (job available for everyone) picks up a material package from Blueberry materials factory and puts a package at Materials Bank. They will get a little profit for that. Gun Maker (faction only job) buys materials from materials bank and then he/she can /creategun. To create a gun you need to put a package at Gun factory and then factory worker will say if it's done.


  3. The point is, I dont have that file

    Okay then, which version of San Andreas do you have?

    v1.0 and v2.0 both store the gta_sa.set file in \My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files.

    I’m not sure where v3.0 stores the file.

    If you have a cracked (illegally downloaded version), then the file could be anywhere. I can’t (and won’t) help you with that.

    I have original game, and i think i deleted that file manualy :S
    You should, how do you play the game without it? It holds all your settings.
    It will go in that folder after the game starts first time, but my game... Wont start :S

    You need to delete the file while the game is 'off', then start the game. ;)

    I dont have that file there, i think i deleted it manualy when i first saw that my game didnt work and uninstalled the game
  4. The point is, I dont have that file

    Okay then, which version of San Andreas do you have?

    v1.0 and v2.0 both store the gta_sa.set file in \My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files.

    I’m not sure where v3.0 stores the file.

    If you have a cracked (illegally downloaded version), then the file could be anywhere. I can’t (and won’t) help you with that.

    I have original game, and i think i deleted that file manualy :S
    You should, how do you play the game without it? It holds all your settings.
    It will go in that folder after the game starts first time, but my game... Wont start :S
  5. rikitiki, have you tried deleting the gta_sa.set file in the GTA San Andreas User Files folder.

    The gta_sa.set file doesn't get deleted when you uninstall the game, so it has to be done manually.

    A new gta_sa.set file will automatically be generated when you start the game.

    When I installed a new video card in my PC, I had the same problem you're having. I had to reconfigure my settings after that, but that wasn't a big deal, and everything worked fine after that.

    I dont have that .set file... Ande where i can change those settings ? :S

    The gta_sa.set file is located in \My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files. Just delete it, that's all. A new gta_sa.set file will automatically be generated when you start the game.

    After that, you may want to reconfigure your game settings to the way they were before, but you don't have to. The Game Settings can be changed after you've successfully launched the game.

    The gta_sa.set file contains your settings, and whenever something is changed on your computer, you usually have to delete that file in order for San Andreas to function again.

    The gta_sa.set file also contains settings that you cannot alter; those settings are based on your computers previous settings, specifically, the settings you had before you made changes to your computer, that's why San Andreas won't launch.

    In your first post, you stated that you reinstalled the game, however, reinstalling the game does not replace your original gta_sa.set file. You’re trying to launch San Andreas while still using the old file, it must be replaced, and the only way to replace the file is to delete it and let the game generate a new one for you.

    Just delete the gta_sa.set file, that's all.

    The point is, I dont have that file
  6. rikitiki, have you tried deleting the gta_sa.set file in the GTA San Andreas User Files folder.

    The gta_sa.set file doesn't get deleted when you uninstall the game, so it has to be done manually.

    A new gta_sa.set file will automactically be generated when you start the game.

    When I installed a new video card in my PC, I had the same problem you're having. I had to reconfigure my settings after that, but that wasn't a big deal, and everything worked fine after that.

    I dont have that .set file... Ande where i can change those settings ? :S
  7. i tryed to download new drivers from nVida, but if i try to run it it says that: The contents of this file cannot be unpacked. The executable you are attemting to run has been corrupted. Please optain another copy of this file, verify its integrity, and try again.

    But i have deleted and downloaded it 10 times, wont work.

    And also i downloaded Colin Mcrae Rally 04 to my computer, and if i try to run it it says : ''No compitable 3d cards detected'' ( It used to work )

  8. Riki, Make a backup of your files, restart your computer, put your Windows installation disc in, press "R" before the Windows boot logo appears. Delete your hard drive thing, and create a new one. I did that. Then re-upload your files that where backed up. If you know what files the virus is hiding in, then delete it, and empty the recycle bin, then re-scan your PC for viruses.

    Try that ;)

    EDIT: ^ He means, when the man repaired your computer, he re-format the hard drive. (I think)

    I cant do that because my Windows disc is filled with viruses, it wont just simply work... Huh... I have like tryed everything , but still...
  9. That's your problem. The "virus" files stayed there. Therefore, the anti-virus doesn't detect them with no reason.

    You must have to format your computer and then install Windows again.

    Well i don't know what they did with my computer, but now it's all okay...

    Maybe somebody can give some tips or something to reapir it ? :S

  10. Yeah I think, so

    Here it is

    Your Graphics card - NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400

    Requirement - 64 MB DirectX 9.0-compatible graphics card

    Is yours Direct X compatible?

    What do you mean compatible ?

    But look, i had San Andreas working perfectly before my computer broke ( I hade some virus which destroyed system 32 file ), And if i got it back i had all the fails as before it broke, but only difference was that SA didnt work :S

  11. Graphics card problem, im not so sure about it... BEfore my comp broke my game run good...

    Specs ? What to you mean ?

    How do i check or... that my scripts are correct ?

    I meant system Specifications. As in Memory, Disk Space etc

    The problem will more than likely be a Graphics Card Problem or Memory Usage Problem.

    Disk size: 74,5GB

    Free: 39,4 GB

    Used: 35 GB

  12. got huge problem with San Andreas, my computer broke and when i got it back i installed San Andreas back. Well it's simple if i try to run the SA it simply wont start, sandclock is next to cursor few seconds and the dissapears... I tryed to turn off the firewall, re-installed game, tryed to run on diffrent mods ( 98 ) but it wont work... I have no friggin idea whats going on. All helpers are welcome.

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