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Everything posted by WNxMnemic

  1. Don't spam WNx Don't double post. Please don't spam/double post. Read the Forum Rules. The link is in my signature. I'm sure WNxKingmaker didn't mean to double post. It could've been lag or a loss of connection to the internet, who knows. Sorry about this sir, no harm done. Despite what happened above, we're looking for players who're 18 and over. There's just enough kiddies to go around an stab somebody with.
  2. Well first if you have xfire (www.xfire.com) add me here: pimpinpimper or as usual, XBL: WNxFlashbak910 Once you add me on one of those I'll instruct you on how to join us.
  3. the dude, you don't know how we operate, look at the everything and tell me how you judge us. Although we have a large member base doesn't mean we don't have oraganization like some other clans do. We're one of the worlds largest out here.
  4. Interested in having the opportunity to lead a game into success? I have been there once and its amazing, please take a look and the adventure will begin!
  5. The Gang is rapidly growing. Please take a second to look at Warrior Nation for yourself.
  6. Feel free to send a message over and ask me questions about our clan I'm sure I can answer them!
  7. Warrior Nation is a massive multigaming network that consists of over 2700+ members spread out upon over 60 games. Some of these include WoW, COD2/4, Battlefield 2/2142, R6V2, Halo 3, and TF2. Let me explain what I do in Warrior Nation and why you should join the cause. I’ve been in the clan for almost the past 2 years and it has really become an addicting experience through my journeys in that time expanse. Those who have joined, read, and followed our laws; (http://warriornation.net/law.php'>http://warriornation.net/law.php), our policies; (http://warriornation.net/policy.php'>http://warriornation.net/policy.php), will have no problem upon the administrators. Never have I gotten warnings for disrespect or behavior and that’s because I know I’m loyal to WN and its members. If you are caught doing anything against the links above in a negative way you will be removed from the clan. If you comply with everything the stay will be rewarding. We also have a rollcall. Rollcalls allow the leaders to assess the numbers of the section and to precisely gather data. These run from the 1st of each month to the 15th. Make sure you sign if and when you join a section. At the moment I’m a Developer. I try to introduce and support our sections, monitor who looks best for being a leader, etc. This department focuses on forming and maintaining many games and it’s the sole members’ choice to support them. I am simply asking you to join us -as we’re an invite only clan- to help build a Grand Theft Auto IV section. You will be rewarded and recognized throughout our gaming community. Feel free to check us out here: (http://warriornation.net/) Want to join? There’s a special forum where our guests can post: (http://warriornation.net/Forum/forumdisplay.php?f=191) If chosen interested please put your Primary Game to Development: Other as the section is being built, atm. Here are the contacts so you can reach me: Forum Name: WNxMnemic AIM: [email protected] Xfire: pimpinpimper GT: WNxFlashbak910 Just to let you know you must be 13+ years or older to join. Since this game is Rated M for Mature I would deeply recommend you to be at that age and respectful enough to the members throughout the clan. If you would like to chat hit me up and I’ll see what I can do. Thank you. Experience it!
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