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Gio X usaf

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  • Favourite GTA
    San Andreas
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    United States

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  1. True that man im just gonna reinstall and curb stomp this srt3
  2. okay did a clean install again, not running any mods and i can hear the rain just fine. So i play for about an hour - no problems with rain sounds or freezing. Then i stop and install SRT 3 and the rain makes weird sounds again... I guess ill just have to live with it cause i cant find the sounds in the extracted audio files with SAAT
  3. "retextured v1.0 final" its a mod for GTASA. It retexturizes a lot of the stuff in GTASA to high res - makes it all really nice looking. http://www.moddb.com/mods/8890/sanandreas-retextured-3 Sorry guess i should have stated that differently
  4. My brother gave it to me about a week ago as a "shipping off present" since im leaving in a few weeks
  5. Gio X usaf

    SRT 3

    After installing san andreas, I install the SRT3 mod and noticed a couple of bugs after a while. 1. The rain sound file is wrong or something; when i see rain, it sounds like some one is being punched and strange beeping noises. 2. Freeze for about 1 min every 20 to 30 min (and i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but im certain these 2 problems only happen after installing the SRT3 mod) I think that the freezing problem is more of a hardware problem - but i was looking into fixing the rain problem myself. I installed SAAT to extract the sound files, im trying to find the sound im hearing so that i can replace it with another, but im having no luck at all; so my question is - where are the rain sound files?
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