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Everything posted by MasterSplinters

  1. there's requirment too. holy mosses and i ay be advertising gtafroumsbut i'm not trying to i just want to spread the word. and i'm not "starting" a clan here i'm just letting people know where to go
  2. we just started up alredy got 2 member plus the other prophet. and the mnore people the better ya sure theres alot of people over on the other forums but what if we couldd get more? would you?
  3. is there arules against speadikng the word about our clan? if there is i am sorry for the troubles.
  4. sorry my bad! go to gtafroums.com click on gangs then on Arnarch Nation No mic No entry absolutly no racial slurs the rest is on the forums go here http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=357112
  5. Go to GTAforums and join us we're a new clan PS3 only need a mic mature players
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