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Posts posted by sonoromanista

  1. definatly i think gta should move out of north america

    think about paris, london (i know they already did it - but common it would be so diff in 3d) and ROME - rome would be awsome, couse u could have venice as a neighbouring city and a scicly island to the side, it could be a complete mafia story line going into italy's corupt goverment and even the vatican.........of course youdd have to re-arange the map abit and scale down scicly allot but it would be awsome..... :coolthumbup:

  2. a mod i need of modders, if ur interested contact me wit the info below...


    San Andreas is made up of three main cities based, which are all based on real life counter parts:

    Los Santos - Los Angeles,

    San Fierro - San Francisco,

    Las Venturas - Las Vegas.

    And as you explore these cities you come across many familiar landmarks,

    The Hollywood Sign (VINEWOOD)

    The crooked street in San Fierro

    The Piers in San Fierro

    The Las Venturas Casinos

    The Golden Gate brige in San Fierro

    etc, etc, etc....

    However, i feel one great and potential landmark is missing from the game.


    This mod would not only install an entirely new island off the coast of San Fierro but also open up an entirely new mission strand that would take form after the completion of the Main Story line.

    This is not so much a mod as an 'add-on' to San Andreas.


    The island will be added off the coast of San Fierro, east of the Golden Gate Brige look-a-like. The island will include several buildings incuding: the prison, guard housing, the Warden's house, docks and much more.


    I have been developing a story line in the past few weeks, here are the main plot points:

    -Shortly after the main storyline wraps up, CJ gets busted,(im still working out the how and when) however this time he's not gonna be just let out in exchange for a small cop bribe like usual. CJ's in big trouble, the cops have got him on multiple acounts of Fraud, First degree Murder and possession of Narcotics.

    -Yep, you guessed, it our good (but maybe not so innocent) friend CJ gets locked up in Alcatraz with a life sentence.

    -Soon after his arival, CJ starts his master plan of escape....

    -Several missions follow, all which lead up to the climax of a prison riot and CJ's escape...and return into society....

    -CJ escapes back to mainland San Fierro and hides out in Woodland area between Los Santos and San Fierro...(??maybe catilina's woodland house??)

    -CJ might be free man but he still is a hunted man, so he comes up with a plan to cut a deal (still working on what the deal is going to be) with the DA...

    -After CJ cuts his deal and delivers what the DA wants, CJ can now continue to freely roam San Andreas as a compleetly free man.

    -Alcatraz lies in smoke and ruin from the Riot and CJ's subsequent escape, all the remaining prisoners have been shipped of to different prisons and the land is up for grabs as a buyable assest!

    -CJ can now buy Alcatraz...and do what you ask?....Turn it into "THE HOTEL ALCATRAZ" an excusite 5 star hotel

    -This sparks another mission strand....HOTEL ALCATRAZ, in this strand you deal with the building of your hotel....once completed (the island will be completly transformed to look like a 5 star hotel) it will generate a revenue of $100,000 daily and you will have a private penthouse on the top as a safe house....

    ------------------------THE TEAM

    This is a fairly large undertaking and i am by no means a 'modder' i will need all the help i can get, modders skinners, programers, the whole lot and needless to say if i dont get the support, this mod will fall through, so if you think you can be of any help, whether you have any modding experience at all please email me or drop me a line on MSN messenger ([email protected] -is both my email and my msn username)

    Please talk to me before starting out doing something, as i dont want to have too many people all doing the same thing...

    Needless to say if this mod gets its feet off the ground it could be no less than an AWSOME add-on to San Andreas.

    I leave it in your creative hands to decide whither this mod succeeds....

    contact me at [email protected]


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