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  1. Hi, I'm new to this forum and this is my first post. Everyone's been discussing wether the next game will take place in a European city, or in another USA city, etc... Personally, I feel that the only city in America to hold as high an interest as New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas, both in terms of international awareness and of what R* can do within that setting, is Washington D.C. But I am also aware that there are some of you who'd prefer this game to have an international city as backdrop, like London, Mexico City, Tokyo, etc... And that's how I spent most of an afternoon coming up with this personal concept for GTA 4 - it's mostly Tomb Raider style, in that the main character gets to travel all around the world doing "jobs" for several colorful characters. Along the way, the main character would stop by Capitol City (D.C.), Texico City, Pokyo, Blundon, Amusterdam, and Rio de Fevereiro. Just imagine the vastness of comical situations and social satyre that R* could pull off with this! The next GTA will surely come out on Next Gen consoles, so being only about one third bigger than GTASA won't be much of a problem... PS3 can handle that. Plus, R* could go nuts when making all the funny satyre for us fans to enjoy...! It'd be the ultimate satyrical adventure, they'd have their hands full with this one... Plus, there's just something about playing as an international hired gun (like, James Bond or Alias-style) that makes my inner self grin widely. Without further ado, here are my regional areas for each city: CAPITOL CITY Adams Intl. Airport Arcadia Australia War Memorial Capitol Heights Fairwood Fairwood Park Federal Avenue Jefferson Lincoln Lincoln Station National Museum Newburg Seven Stars Golf Course Watergate White Hall Wilmington Wilmington Airfield Wisteria TEXICO CITY Armadillo Barrio Azteca Cardoso Cienfuegos El Cielo Juarez Intl. Airport Las Condesas Las Rubias Pueblo Salinas San Juan San Pedro Santa Carmen Tateloco BLUNDON Blackgate Blackgate Cathedral Blackgate Tower Blundon Bridge Canal City Central Blundon Chapel Cross Chelsea Docks East Blundon Gravesbury King James Park Oarsmouth Oxminster Saint Michael South Blundon Victoria Road Victoria Intl. Airport West Blundon Worcester AMUSTARDAM Amstrecht Arnhem Arnhem Campus Barkstad Bitrecht Bosch Intl. Airport Canaalstad Friburg Haangover Haarlem Kokenhof Leidenstad Little Antwerp Munster Munster Island Noord Amustardam Old Haaven Pottsdam Trisburg Wasserstad POKYO CITY Amatsu East Pokyo Downtown Higashima Island Kato Island Kokyo Meguro Intl. Airport Mikkado Mizuya Mount Fujimori Pokyo Bay Pokyo Port Roppongi Shibuya Shijuko West Pokyo Yaganashi RIO DE FEVEREIRO Bairro da Fajuta Botafogo Carioca Central Rio Central Station Copabacana Downtown Estacio Guanabara Intl. Airport Guanabara Bay Ipiranga Rio Norte Rio Sul Saara Santa Pureza Sao Catarino Sao Jacinto Villa Nova I might come up with maps for these cities someday. They'd all be connected by airports, of course, with limited mobility out of each of them like in GTA 3 and GTAVC... Now I urge you people to comment on this, especially folks living in each of these cities (D.C., Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, London, Amsterdam and Tokyo). I might expand on this concept more with my ideas for vehicles, missions, storyline, etc... But I need opinions, people!
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