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    San Andreas
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  1. gahh this might take a while :S
  2. ...i have a few..(counting)...wow i thought i had less...i hav 74 mods
  3. Ivw just finished installing a sh1t load of mods on my pc (40+) and when i launch gta, it works fine, but when i load a game it crashes and when i load a NEW game it doesnt. i already had about 20 mods on it and it didn't crash before, so can someone please explain to me why it crashed and what are my options on fixing it. thanks
  4. yea, ive used that one, but it doesent explain how to import it into gta:sa or how to make doors etc
  5. Im sure im one of a vast many here, and i am strongly wishing that a single one af all the great modders on this site could take some time out, and write a complete tut for creating a car mod going from step 1: to choose your car all the way to the last step of importing your model. i have furiously searched many sites and all i can find out is how to create a car model, and do some basic texturing. if anyone is willing, i am asking them to write a complete tut explaining everything onwards and including: how to make doors - how to use dummy's - how to create wheels. the WHOLE deal. pleassssssssssssssssssssssssse if anyone would do this, im sure you would be treated as a god by all us who want to learn to model and create car mods for gta:sa Regards, 5par7an
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