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Everything posted by fredfbar

  1. Oh sorry i dint see that thanks Ill check it out
  3. Ok i got Denise as a girlfriend.I jsut need ''Hot Coffee"'..can someone link me.Mabe form a nother forum?If thats against the rules then can you PM me?if thats ok?
  4. I know dude..This game is for what like 17+ or something...Anyway..Im talking about getting the girlfriend.How do I do that.
  5. Can someone give me a link to Hot Coffee...I can't find one thats good.Whats the point of having a dude stealing cars and sluts everywhere but you can't bang them...Cmon...Why'd they take it out..Its still is a M game..Its was M+....-.-Big differenece
  6. It jsut entertaining..GTA is a M game so.. Umm I can't see anything in my bottom right corner...
  7. I have one and im not a vigin..Im a college graduate and I get bored after work...my girlfriend is in Paris for the weekend.
  8. So I can't have sex ingame...Even if I download the mod..I bought the game somwhat 2 years ago..
  9. Whats Hot Coffee? And Ive seen mods for Hot Coffee..Are those going to work?I ahve it on PC..
  10. After you get the hooker/slut into your car and you go to a secluded place..The game says ''This seems ok'' and then your screen changes and it goes under your car.if you take too long the slut/hooker leaves..I don't know what you do after the screen changes..Anyone help?I know that you can have sex or soemthing like sex because Ive seen videos on youtube
  11. yeah those FAQs didn't help at all...Can someone jsut post like a easy tut?
  12. Ok Ill check out the rules thanks
  13. Im brand new and i have no idea how mods work.i ahve a trainer tho.When i dl the files where do i put them?Like i dled a army pack and stuff
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