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  1. i got it somewhere....dont know where but i had to reformat the hard-drive completely..including windows and reinstall sytem suite 9 pro to get rid of it..... very dangerous
  2. i was thinking about doing this myslef but thought about it a little more and said......screw waisting my time...ill go buy it, lmao so props to the op for attempting it
  3. TTT: nobody? when looking for this i had seen that other people had asked the same question and didnt get any replies.... i was planning on releasing models to this site for the game but if i cant get any help on modding it then screw it...ill introduce them somewhere else
  4. wow cant wait to see this, will it change the system requirements to gta IV ??
  5. Ok so ive searched(google and this site), watched youtube videos to see what i was doing wrong if anything....and as far as i can tell im not. So ive completely uninstalled gta_sa and am going to try again with your help ive got version 2 1) downloaded the downgrade 2) downloaded cleo3 3) installed cleo (correctly???)<---still unsure 4) installed cs files in cleo folder 5) game loads fine...cleo files not recognized is there a reason for it to do this? is it common hopefully i can hear back from you guys asap... i tried with a fresh install...absolutely no mods and it still wont work
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