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Posts posted by Trent

  1. -Websites that are interactive like getting to make a my room account or something then just a love meet able to buy things from an ebay type system

    -More Weapons like Chainsaws, Flamethrowers, Mini Gun, Dual Weapons, Swords, Machetes

    - Give us the chance to make it more like GTA SA were you can eat, drink, work out and stuff

    -More Clothing [and let us pick hair and facial hair style] different styles[keep the originals though] like Ghetto, Biker, Gothic and Humor [like those humor T shirts]

    -Able to change Height, Weight and Race

    -More Houses/Apartments to buy, Items to buy for the houses

    -Ablility to go in every bulding

    -Different Mission Styles

    - Online Co-op

    Pretty much a lot more customizability

    oh and this

    -More Kills that are cutscenes and able to do them with just a pistol mabye able to do it with a pistol AND a mele weapon.

    and alot of what lefmir and Ice-T3A said

  2. -Websites that are interactive like getting to make a my room account or something then just a love meet able to buy things from an ebay type system

    -More Weapons like Chainsaws, Flamethrowers, Mini Gun, Dual Weapons, Swords, Machetes

    - Give us the chance to make it more like GTA SA were you can eat, drink, work out and stuff

    -More Clothing [and let us pick hair and facial hair style] different styles[keep the originals though] like Ghetto, Biker, Gothic and Humor [like those humor T shirts]

    -Able to change Height, Weight and Race

    -More Houses/Apartments to buy, Items to buy for the houses

    Pretty much a lot more customizability

    oh and this

    -More Kills that are cutscenes and able to do them with just a pistol mabye able to do it with a pistol AND a mele weapon.

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