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Everything posted by Mar

  1. Okey. But how change the skin face? I find skin simillar. In this skin i trying change face to face Kurt Rusell. Can you help me and change only face But thx a lot for all . You helped me so much. skin :
  2. Hello i tryed doing this it my self but finish was wrong and not good. Kurt Rusell can be use to skin : http://lh6.ggpht.com/_-mnDvmKSXg0/SWJv0xfs...itish+Actor.jpg Skin ID: 101 Skin Name: wmyst Type Ped: Normal Ped Location: San Andreas Gender: Male or : http://wiki.sa-mp.com/w/images/4/4a/Skin_267.jpg skin ID : 267 Hernandez In my live record i make only 1 skin but that was only change colour and put glasses. Thx for help me with this . Marcin.
  3. Hello I'm very nooby with doing skins to gta sa . But i have a guy i server with RP but i need a skin to this guy. Who can do this skin for me? Plz i need it Skin like this : - he have got a small white rings - white T-shirt no this in picture - combat GALLOWS to use weapon If you can do this thx a lot
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