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    San Andreas
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  1. i'm ..let say "new" in editing gta san andreas ...and the problem its that i don't know how to make wheels biger ...for example: i got a nissan silvia s15 tuneable . the stock wheels are normal..no problem..but when i want to put custom rims, thei're lot smaller that the stock..and i know (well i'm not pretty sure) that i need to change something in handling.cfg right? but please can someone tell me what? thank you P.S. can i have a link of tutorial how to instal audio sounds in san andreas?(like new sound engines) ..because ive watched youtube and theres nothing i can understand thanks again
  2. WTF do you think i'm using? can i put mods in the game if i'm playin it on PS2?...its PC damn it...and if you think that u can insult me like that..without a reson..well i can do it too fucked ass..."oops typo" Actually, yes you can install mods on the PS2. yeah..ure right
  3. WTF do you think i'm using? can i put mods in the game if i'm playin it on PS2?...its PC damn it...and if you think that u can insult me like that..without a reson..well i can do it too fucked ass..."oops typo"
  4. uhmmm..thats not what i'm looking for...i know that elegy can be modden only at wheels arch angels ...but with the handling that i have ..the elegy now can be modded at transfender ...and there i cant see the bumpers and all the shit.. i need to know how to make the car to able to tune it at wheerl arch angels without changing the handling...now you understand penis?
  5. Can somebody tell me where it says that the car can be modded? like transfender or wheels arch angels...because ive got a car that can be modded on trans fender but it doesen't shows me all the things..like the front bumpers etc. and i want to keep the same handling but not the place where the car can be tuned. so what should i change on the car-handlig..or carmods..or everything else to get what i want? please help me thanks
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