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Everything posted by {UVH}Bob

  1. not bad not bad dude but ..try to push in the game "F1" it can help to use better cam and so...bla bla
  2. hi guys i have found a lott of secret too look my videos "KABOOM" coming sone ,or in my other videos in this forum,then u maybe will see them SORRY 4 my BAD english cos german inside da Bob
  3. hi guys this is our Clan video , in the video we called [AA] = AlmightyAssassins now we call {UVH} = Ultra Violent Hooligans i must do a new i know ,but no time ,maybe next week http://rapidshare.de/files/13890172/Almigh...4_LIFE.rar.html PLEASE POST SOME ;IF U LIKE IT OR IF DOWNLOAD IS CRASHS visit us @ /www.uvhclan.com then maybe cyas @ UVH server {UVH} 4 life da one and only {UVH}Bob special thanks to all UVH members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Download-Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/13153235/Los_Santos.WMV.html this was my fist video ,i made it whit windows movie maker and paint this is the only video whit cheats in (SORRY)but i think it is okay ,just a singleplayervideo in my other videos i never cheated long time ago lol pls post some the one and only {UVH}Bob
  5. some other video from me Download-Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/14702203/bullet...RG_500.wmv.html BANG BANG
  6. hello ,me bob i made a biker Video musik by NIRVANA used programm SONY VEGAS 6 &gtarumble mod(1d&c) i hope u like it ,post something if u like it or not Download-Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/13962619/crazy_biker.wmv.html da {UVH}Bob
  7. hi im new at this site i hope u like my videos please post some new hydra video;http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y0PFHIIK the on and only Bob
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