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  1. Ive figured it out. when installing the mods. I have to open the txd files in txdworkshop and save them to VCXBOX. when I do that the mods work fine. took me a lil while, but i figured it out.
  2. Ive tried about 50 different mods from different locations on the web. some have worked some havent. I started with the Andreas second XBOX version. at first the mods would not work at all. I patched the XBE to allow the mods. applying the mods are pretty simple. the ones that have worked work well. the problem Im having is finding mods that work on the XBOX. at the gtaxboxmods.com site, they mentioned that the mods have to be converted to work with XBOX. so far all of the mods that Ive tried from that site have worked. But they're library of cool converted mods are limited. Im gonna take your word for it and try some more PC mods on the XBOX version. but if you have any info on any converting that has to be done, let me know.
  3. yo, I need help finding mods for the xbox version. Ive already applied some mods to it that ive found here and there. the only site I can find with specific xbox converted mods is gtaxboxmods.com. the site is iight, but it doesnt have much. I need to know where to find more converted mods. Or, if any of you crazy modders could just help me learn how to convert the mods for xbox myself, that would be cool. any help will be appreciated.
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