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Posts posted by -Thomas

  1. I disagree with Ivan. Even if it's a shitty job, do it.

    It was only because I started out in shitty jobs that I got the experience needed to work at Microsoft. The skills you learn in getting up in the morning, dealing with customers, respecting authority (even if they're wrong) and understanding office politics will be SO valuable to you.

    Think about it. In 5 years time, when you're in a job interview for your ideal company (Rockstar?), what would you rather say to them?

    a) "I worked my ass off for 3 years at a shitty McD's, underpaid and treated like crap but I still got up every saturday morning, made it into work and had a smile on my face for the customers. I'm a great employee."

    Very true my man. :)

    I worked at the local supermarket for 3 years and worked my way up there, and that's what got me into my current job at a Game Store.

    It was super easy to get it because they know what i've been trough.

    Now I'm working my way up here to end up at Rockstar hopefully.

    Like Gerard stated even if it's a shitty job just do it, it's work and it pays.

    Sorry for the kick but I had to comment.

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