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  1. Yeh ok then ill make it now Ok done here is the link The place needs work on it as you know (You will have to write the address in becase when i try to psot the address it says crappy if site, this is one though isnt it? )
  2. lol, shall we then, who is going to make the forum? and dont worry i wont be forgetting about this place, its ace
  3. yes I think what would be a good idea is that we make a little forum about this yeti, like a little hunters club and also we could post idea on how to better the mod, like being able to search for the yeti etc on 100% save etc...
  4. when you have gone into the marker you have to look around and find bigfoot, if you dont find him with in the time then it will show you where bigfoot is.
  5. here is a better picture of the yeti That picture is the cutcence of the yeti's starting point, ive worked out where that is but when i get there, the yeti is gone, its really hard, but fun
  6. i have no idea then sorry, could somone tell me how to find the yeti because ive completed all four bigfoots hunts here is the only picture of the yeti i have, its from the cutscence saying its unlocked
  7. thats strange then did you replace the main.scm?
  8. you might not of added everything correctly? or somthing you might not of added?
  9. well there is two things you might not know 1. after you have found all 4 bigfoots its shows you a cutsene of a yeti, it was white too plus it says yeti in the mod. 2. everytime i add the mod i cant load up my save so i have to start again by the way what is that file in the bigfoot mod called "Thumbs" for?
  10. Ok right if you just want to know how to install the game then ill tranlsate it for you now, you dont need to change anything. How to install note: Make Backup Copies just incase somthing goes wrong or you dont like the mod (I didnt but you might want to so i just mentiond this just incase ) 1. Search C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas 2. Click GTA San Andreas 3. Open up text in your bigfoot mod and drag italian.gxt over text in your GTA SA Folder then let go then in your bigfoot mod click back. 4. Click data in your bigfoot mod and drag PEDS.IDE and PEDSTATS.DAT over data in your GTA SA Folder then let go 5. Click data in your gta sa folder then click script in your bigfoot mod and drag main.scm over script in your GTA SA Folder and let go then click back in your bigfoot mod then X off your GTA SA Folder. 6. If you have not got IMG Tool 2.0 then download it by clicking this link: http://files.gtanet.com/gtagarage/file.php?F=90 then open up model in your bigfoot mod then open bigfoot and right click bigfoot.dff and then click extract to spefied folder then click My Documents then click save, then do the same with bigfoot.txd. 7. Click back then click on yeti, do the same with yeti.dff and yeti.txd and your done. then open up IMG Tool and click File > Open > GTA3 then at the top click comands > add then find the files, add them and your done.
  11. i think you need to know how to script to be able to change the text to english
  12. how about the yeti? where is the best loction for it
  13. yes i was asking that can i? you see i just want to be able to hunt for the yeti but also have my 100% save, then i can add the rest of my mods to make the ultimate mod i have always wanted
  14. www.freetranslation.com is where you can tranlate the instuctions i havnt found him yet, i was wandering is there anyway you can just add the yeti to the game so i can keep 100%?
  15. i cant wait to find it, where about did you find it? ive been looking mostly in shady creeks and back o beyond, does it walk about or hide in bushes like the 4 bigfoots did?
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