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Posts posted by berkey

  1. 2. why dont u jump from a plane on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere, kill some animals, cook them for dinner and eat them? or maybe u have to defend urself from canibals who want to eat u?

    What do u mean, problems? what problems?

    btw, that gives me an idea. why couldnt u make ur own food at home, go rob a store and bring back home a truck full of food? rob a bank by burglaring in the bank and transfering ther money on ur account, then hire a lawyer when they sue u on the court, prove u r :innocent: and get away with de money?

    What I mean is R*

    would get in trouble with animal right activists. I've killed animals before, I have a hunting license so don't give me that bullsh*t. A-hole! :tongue:

  2. I have a wishlist:

    - seasons for weather like fall, spring, summer, and winter

    - brand names cars like chevy, ford, and dodge

    - cruise ships

    - better military bases

    - larger layout maybe to include more cities like philly, NYC, Baltimore :thumbsup: , and DC.

    - I like any suggestions except two:

    1) Kids - killing kids is very sick and wrong :pissedred:

    2) Animals - killing animals would cause problems, maybe a horse you could ride but not kill

    - I'm cool for anything


    How do you download different cars?

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