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Everything posted by ShadowWolf

  1. Hey everyone im looking for any and all resident evil mods, Ive found a few but I want to add more so any you know please let me know THX alot guys
  2. thanks alot im gonna go try them now
  3. Ive heard rumors about a person fitting 50 cars into the Hangar and haveing them keep. Anyone else hear?
  4. How do you instal building and the other Mods that effect the city itself and adding the new clothes? I have no idea how to install them Please help me
  5. This is to who ever made the warthog mod for VC or to any one that can make one. Can someone PLEASE make one for SA PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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