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Posts posted by AmazingRed

  1. i flew for 31 seconds that the most i ended up in portland and the screen went wierd!its just stoped and froze the camara but the plane didnt stop so the plane just went into the distance and just dissapeared its just about 10 seconds more the plane was in the water!and i died

  2. ok the GTA LBS i think its really bad.

    i got it on ps2 for £30 and i dont think it was worth a penny of it. i thought they may of changed the graphics abit but they are just the same they have put new ideas into the game and i thin they are just stupid such as:

    the car showrooms missions! there are unapropiriate. the only thing there fun is kidnaping the customers and giving them the worst ever car ride thinkable! make them crap there pants but even then it will stop the mission and teleport you back to the car show room! so its sucks. its boring! same that goes with the bike showroom!

    there are still lots of glitches that are in the game that was in GTA 3!

    i compleated the game in a day i should of rented the game as its was so short.

    i think it would be an ok game on the PSP but bringing it onto the PS2 that was just a waste of time i would be very suprised if it went Platinum!

    the only thing that was good about the game was the pelesent paint on the sport cars and even that was Great but the best thing of all is that the road works with the holes in the road in GTA 3 near th mafia HQ in portland are Gone!

    i think the game is crap and i dont recomend anyone gets it! its the same price as sanandrease so if ur a Ps2 fan get sanadread instead

  3. well yes i think the girlf frieds was really anoying they would rong you wanted to go out on dates and all u wanted to do was kill other gangs and joy ride around sanandrease.

    but the gang war i think they was great. they have too put them back into GTA IV they was reaslistic and its adds a touch to that game they was great funn and easy weapens asweel when you kill them. if u dont cheat!

    what they need to put back into the grand theft aytos is were you are aloud to rob shops. in vice city you could go in a shop and carry a colt phython with you and threaten anyone in the shops for there cash. this was a great. they forgot to put this is sanandrease but i really hope you can do this on Gta IV. also i think there should be an in car view screen were u see hte steering wheel!

    what i dont want to see is the Sex scenes with the GF and wierd car damage were the panals of the cars just fall of like they was stuck on my crap super glue! so in other words reaslistic car damage!

    also i dont want peaple to keep on running when you shot them 3 times in the chest! i want them to fall on the fall crying in pain! mwhahaha

    sanadrease was spot on it was all perfect expept from the GFs and the sex scene!

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