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    Vice City

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  1. I found it. Yay. Why would it be illeagal?
  2. Title and descrip says it all. I want the downgrader so I can actually add mods, I'm running V.2 so yeah.
  3. Thanks a bunch, man. I'll try that soon.
  4. I have version 2. I have not done an uninstall yet. Not quite, I have gotten smaller mods to work. Such as one of the CJ white mods, where you just replace the player file. And I've also got the mod working where weapons and clothes dont cost anything.
  5. Nope, theres the dff files as well.
  6. I'm hoping that some of you can help me with this. Anyway, I've download IMGtool and downloaded a skin mod for the homies. I open IMGtool, open the GTA3 file under Models, and replace the according files. (I've even tried rebuilding the archive.) And the game wont work when I've edited the files. I start the game and press 'new game' or 'load' and the load process gets around half way, then stops. Help?
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