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    San Andreas
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  1. just screw the whole world

  2. yazzkurt


    hello? if anybody can make a mod just please e-mail me that you' ve made this mod. pleasssssssssse????? I'm desperate for this mod!!!!
  3. get a mercedes benz mod

  4. yazzkurt


    hello tun3r I ask this in a topic because I can't make mods myself. I'm just an amateur who searches all mod sites for a mod to instal in GTA SA. so thats why I ask someone else for help! me again! if you have made this mod for me (or someone else) would you send a email to the following address? [email protected] thanks!
  5. yazzkurt


    hello everybody, I'm looking for a car mod of a Mercedes-Benz C220 Combi elegance (1997) for my GTA SA, with a dutch numplate that says: SB-XT-44. Can anyone make it for me? I would love it if it replaces one of the cars out of the following list: Cabbie Dune Enforcer Glendale Glenshit Mule Nevada Oceanic Packer Patriot Predator Rancher Remington Rustler Sadler Sanchez Securicar Tahoma Tampa Walton Wayfarer Willard Yankee. for anyone who doesn't know how thias car looks like I sent some pictures with this message! Thanks.
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