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Everything posted by -Cure

  1. Can someone tell me where to find the helicopters in VC? I only find the Maverick and Police Maverick
  2. thats what I do, i delete all the files but when I install it again and get to some places: *pops-up* I need to get to the taxis and I cant because the game freezes in the way
  3. I have to re-install the game like twice a day because when I install mods, the exception thingy pops up Why is this? How can avoid it? its drving me crazy I get near the car showroom and *pops-up*, and like that in several places
  4. -Cure


    sometimes the .dff file re-appears so chekc out again the IMG tool to see if thats the problem
  5. LOL at you, so what if I dont understand? arent forums for that -.-
  6. Is it possible to put some San Andreas skins in the VC game?
  7. I dont understand the instructions, they look weird PLEASE HELP!
  8. hey guys would you help me? I want to install cars but I dont know how to manual install the Dmagic thingy I tried the auto instalation but it doednt work, it says wrong folder thanks
  9. can someone tell me how to install a building mod?
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