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Everything posted by Malik

  1. thanks for the info dude. i'll try to see what i can do now i have an idea what the problem is and some possible solutions.
  2. i used the downgrader and tried to get the r1 mod to work but it still gives the same error promt. ( other mods working btw)
  3. i can mod it and i assume it is v1 because i had the hot coffee mod installed be4 my save file got erased. It's just this file that causes the game not to load.
  4. first i would like to say thanks to the maker of this mod it looks nice. My problem is when i install the mod the game loads n stop n gives a error prompt. I removed the R1 mod n the game played without any error promt. If anyone has experienced this problem and knows how to fix it please tell me. i really want this mod. Yamaha R1 mod. thanks in advance for replies n hlp.
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