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dan andreas

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  • Favourite GTA
    San Andreas

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  1. um...how can horses maul. and btw lama, u cant maul either mwhahahahahah
  2. sorry 2 xtend this topic lol but yea id luv 4 it 2 b 2007
  3. here r my ideas (i got more but i think thats enough 4 now lol) weapons: harpoon, bow and arrow, axe, machete, gas bomb, tazer, muzzleloader old skool weapons lol: musket, Gatling gun alternative weapons: bear trap, stinger (that u can use),blender, pneumatic drill, petrol & matchbox lol transport: Chinook, wheelchair lol, skateboard, tandem, motorbike and sidecar, hot air balloon, milk float, barge, jet ski, plough notoriety rating the ability 2 arrest when disguised as a cop CCTV cameras hospital access animals (that u can ride esculators and lifts/elevators video camera hire a bodyguard wrestling moves put people in trunk/boot of car electric fences
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