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  1. You got high requests :|

    Get med. Do mind it's still a ALHPA so lot's of bugs. Basically it's just mapping. If you want to make custom objects you have to moddel them. No idea how you have to do that though.

    Med? tool section right?

    lemme look if its not there then can you plz leave me a link 2 it

  2. Have you edited the game with modifications at all?

    Yes i did, But it looked like that from the start, i dont know if this will help but i have GTA III and it works fine and the color is great, ive uninstalled gta sa and reinstalled it and nothing happens, The game is legal and it has no scratchs in the back its perfectly fine, I have a feeling it has 2 do with my GFX card, what do i do!

  3. No matter how much i alter my advance settings almost all the peds (and some key characters) Are regular-but are COMPLETELY BLUE

    no face or outfits, Just blue shadows!

    I dont know what 2 do, do i need 2 download something or do i need some sort of GFX card update? and if i do where do i get it, PLEASE HELP

    EDIT: I got Version 2.0 of san andreas

  4. YOu could use a googel search. But you need a good virus protection. And I'l ONLY give that direct crack when you have the screenshot.

    And other people, don't give it. It seems rather awkward that he wants a crack at the begin.

    Heres the proof




    By the way, Why are all the peds blue?

    how do fix that?

    Oh and by mistake i made a topic with this, i was trying 2 reply

  5. Today i got gta sa for pc and im worried that my disk might get messed up, does anyone know a program that will allow update my files and allow me to play without a disk, please i always break my game disks, i really neeed a no disk

    update, Thanks in advance

  6. Everyone who is a Grand Theft Auto fan knows who Jack Thompson is. This is a somewhat older article I found on Google when I was casually searching around with his name, and it seems that he's going after The Sims 2 now, as well as Grand Theft Auto. Ha.

    He's stating now that the content in the Sims 2 is actually worse than Hot Coffee, and you know what he's referring to? The blurs that can be taken out with modifications when the Sims are doing things that you do in normal life, ex. using the washroom. I know this has nothing to do with Grand Theft Auto itself, but I figured I'd just post it since this guy is also against the GTA series.

    The sub-headline posted by Gamespot states: "Miami attorney Jack Thompson claims cheat codes make EA's life sim a pedophile's paradise by showing genitalia; calls for ban on T-rated game."

    The article can be read here: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/07/22/news_6129609.html Post your thoughts on this guy and what he's trying to do to the world of gaming. I know he just doesn't want children and young teenagers to be exposed to this kind of thing, but I thought it would be a good topic for debate in Serious Chat. I'm not aware of any other posting of this particular article on the site, but if it has been posted before, I'm sorry. :)

    There's even some more information on what other things the guy has done on Wikipedia.

    I hate jack, Alls he does is try to take down the best game titles

    that jerk

  7. I found this mod abit ago that add's a district kinda island off portland but i can't remember what its called. All i can remember is that you can save there and there was a women in side the building layed on the sofa with a PS2 inside it too near the TV...if anyone can link me or tell me what the Island mod is called i would really appreciate it iv been going crazy because i can't find it .

    I think thats jems island

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