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ive run into a serious problem and now my game hangs up once ive loaded it. it happened after i downloaded and replaced 2 of the game's tshirts in player.img [ tshirtbase5.txd and tshirtproblk.txd ] im quite sure the prob is becos of these 2 textures cos my game was working fine before i imported them using imgtool v.2 i had installed many mods before, but none of them caused any problems wit the game.[except for the high resolution grass which just slowed it down a little bit, but caused no other problems] i had also used the "better looking water" mod, before the problem occured, but i remembered to back that up and replaced it..... also i had used the "granite maul" mod which replaced the bat weapon, but i had a backup of that, so it didnt cause any problems either..... it would be really great if any one could maybe extract the 2 tshirt textures from their game and upload it so i can replace mine.... thanks in advance....

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