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Wheel Mod don´t "hide" the wheels?


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hello everybody, I download mods for GTA Vice City often in this site... they´re pretty good and useful

But I have a little problem, I have installed the D1magic wheel mod, or something like that, and he don´t erase the wheels of the original cars, the modified wheels staying over the original, and when the modfied wheels are deep, they don´t appear cuz they´re under the original wheels

can I solve it?

thanks already


PS: sorry if my english is so poor, I used translator with some words

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Can understand you just fine.

Dmagic's Wheel mod tells the game that a car is using a custom set of wheels found in the new car's IMG files instead

of ones already in the game.

Did you edit your DEFAULT.DAT file? In it you'll find an entry for WHEELS for each car in the game. Find the name of the

original car (that you replaced) & look under the wheel colum, I think it should be 249 for the wheel mod.

Welcome & enjoy.

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