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GTA San Andreas storyline


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One night,CJ was sleeping in his bedroom when he heard something from the kitchen.He took a 9mm pistol and went downstairs to check.When he entered the kitchen there was nothing.CJ was a little scared.After that he heard foot steps behind him.He turned, but didn't saw anything.Scared, he went to Sweet's house.

CJ: Bro, open up!

Sweet: CJ ... what is it?

CJ: I dunno man, I heard weird noises in the house!

Sweet: What? Damn you one scared cow!

CJ: Cut it out man ... I think this is serious!

Sweet: Alright man, lets check.

Sweet took his 9mm pistol and the Johnson brothers entered the house.They checked the house and found nothing.They then sat in the bedroom and talked.

Sweet: See? Nothing.

CJ: Bro I swear I really heard some noises.

Sweet: Maybe it was your imagination.

And then suddenly, the lights turned off and in the room was a cold chill.When they turned at the door, they saw Beverly Johnson watching straight at them.

CJ & Sweet: Shit!!!

Then Beverly disapeared. CJ and Sweet ran outside in terror.Some Grove street OG's came and talked to them.

OG1: Sweet, CJ, what the fuck happened?

Sweet: We saw Moms!

OG2: What? Moms?

CJ: Yeah! She was at the bedroom door watching us.

OG1: Damn this isn't good!

CJ: Sweet we better check Moms grave at the cemetery!

Sweet: Right.

OG2: We will gather some homies to come, in case something happenes.

OG1: Good idea, we will take the MP5's.

So CJ, Sweet and 2 more Grove street vehicles with grove street OG's drove to the cemetery.When they were in front of CJ's Moms grave, the wind blew mad.

Sweet: Nothing weird here.

CJ: Yeah.

Sweet: We better go home.

When they left, in front of the grave apperead Beverly.CJ saw her and told the homie to stop the car.When they checked everything was normal.So they went home.

CJ: I don't think I want to stay in the house this night.

Sweet: You can stay at me if you want.

CJ: Okay, thanks bro.

So CJ slept in Sweets house.But he woke up at 4:45 because he had a nighmare.He dreamed he when he was a child, his brother Brian and his mother Beverly.Then the lights turned off then on again and he saw his brother dead.Then the lights turned off again and on again.Then he saw his mother dead.He screamed and ran outside.There he saw the Green Sabre leaving grove street and 2 homies shooting at it.

He went in the kitchen and dranki a glass of water then he went to sleep again.The next day, Sweet woke CJ up and told him that he found someone that could help them.They went outside to wait for the person and he came in a red Admiral.

You can continue from here if you want or I will just continue myself. :)

Edited by Samil
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