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Downgrader patch not working


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I have san andreas v.3

I used the downgrader patch, so I can install SAMI, and install mods. When I download the downgrader patch, it says this:

This Program Cannot Patch The Installed Version of San Andreas Because Of The Following Reason- C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/gta_sa.exe:unknown version

btw: i brought the game from www.direct2drive.com

Thanks, if you can help.


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  • 2 weeks later...

well first of all there is no gta SA v.3 only v.1 and v.2,and second are u sure its a legit copy i ask because this has happened to many people and i got something from there that wasn't legit,if it is a legit copy then maybe some of your files are Erased from the game directory or maybe it was messed up while getting downloaded and installed.

i found another gta SA down grader patch on filefront for free link is:


it should work properly because i used it to downgrade my game so i could mod(i have gta SA v.2 pc)

if this still don't work then unistall the game and reinstall and see what happenes then if it still does the same then go out to wal-mart,k-mart,toys are us etc and buy a legit copy of the game for between $8.99 - $17.99 then get the down grader patch from filefront or gtagaming.com(i saw one there)and then you should have the ability to mod the game as u wish to without the error message your seeming to have(this is moslty why i don't trust sources such as direct2drive)

hoped i helped

p.s never try and weasel your way out of paying for a legit copy caz if you do then R* will hunt you down and kill you :weird: haha jk :gappy:

Edited by MetalInusan
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  • 3 months later...

filefront gave my a viris :pissedred:

i found another gta SA down grader patch on filefront for free link is:


it should work properly because i used it to downgrade my game so i could mod(i have gta SA v.2 pc)

if this still don't work then unistall the game and reinstall and see what happenes then if it still does the same then go out to wal-mart,k-mart,toys are us etc and buy a legit copy of the game for between $8.99 - $17.99 then get the down grader patch from filefrontfilefront or gtagaming.com(i saw one there)and then you should have the ability to mod the game as u wish to without the error message your seeming to have(this is moslty why i don't trust sources such as direct2drive)

hoped i helped

p.s never try and weasel your way out of paying for a legit copy caz if you do then R* will hunt you down and kill you :weird: haha jk :gappy:

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  MetalInusan said:
well first of all there is no gta SA v.3 only v.1 and v.2,...

There is a version 3 it was released as a download (d2d) STEAM version and as far as I know the downgrade doesn't work on it. http://store.steampowered.com/app/12120/

Sadly people are actually paying $19.99 for it when my brother picked up his PC version 2 for only $10 last year at Walmart. Yeah, I really want to pay to download something at twice the price and have no backup disks??? wtf He paid the $45 when it first came out on the Xbox, but waited for the PC version to drop in price.


Edited by ToonSkull
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