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Freezing/crashing. Help please


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I'm new to the GTA modding scene, but a long time player of San Andreas. I'm trying to do a Car Mod, replacing the Blistac Compact with an AE86.

The problem is, after modding, the game freezes in the loading frame. The loading bar loads to about halfway then the game freezes. Once the modded files are replaced with the old/standard files the game works fine, so the problem is in the modding. I've looked all over this forum and others for a solution, but can't find one yet, help is much appreciated.

I have the version 1.0 San Andreas and have tried using SAMI and modding manually using IMGTool, but with no success. I've followed the modding guides exactly, and have edited the files to exactly what the AE86 ReadMe says.

Any ideas?

Cheers, springninja

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I got that modding Vice City a few times, you're bound to run into that when you start changing things out. VC &

SA are close enough that most aspects of modding will be the same.

It's probably something in the model of the AE86. It may be corrupted or something in it or there's a conflict

between it & another model. errors in the DATA entries would usually let the game load & it wouldn't freeze until

you came across the vehicle in the game. The only exception to that is if you got the cars out of order in the files

HANDLING.CFG or VEHICLES.IDE. What other mods do you have installed & does the game work if you remove

the AE86?

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