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Requesting San Fiero Gamesave


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I need a gamesave for GTA:PC that has the game saved at the start of the San Fierro missions. Ideally it would be for the first ZERO RC mission. Another ideal gamesave would be when you arrive at the garage in San Fierro. If you have a save like that (with or with out Hot Coffee, etc.) or even one from the mission where you burn the weed, or are doing the Catalina missions, please send the save(s) to: [email protected]

Thanks in advance for anyone who helps. :D

PS: I need this save because a power outage while playing GTA:SA corrupted my gamesave (the power went out as I was saving). On top of that my Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb was fried. I am now a lucky owner of a x850 XT Platinum!! :thumbsup::w00t:

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hi man i have save game but i don't know if u want it anyway i don't finsh :whistle: there 1 mission no more in s i don't know how make high score and no more this mission so if u want save game tell me were sent it :innocent:

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