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Wierd bug


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Would first like to take the time to say hi to everyone, im new to this site, but spent the last hour looking through it, i really like it.

I've played most GTA games out there, on several different consolls but have found that i like most to play it on pc, for some reason i find it better controlling the movement and generally better gameplay.

Anyways, i have a wierd bug/error as stated.

I've been playing San Andreas on my off time for fun, on and off for the last couple of months, it all went smoothly with never any problem. Then i builth myself a new pc, and after that the game has become unplayble.

The problem is once i start the game and load my save game ( or start a new game ) everything is speeding out of control. All the cars and ppl are moving like 10 times as fast as they should, I have no chance of controlling my character, if i get into a car or bike and start speeding down the highway all cars will eventually dissapear ( if im able to hold the car on the road for that long ) but the minutte i stop 40 - 50 cars show up and start crashing into eachother.

If im standing at a junction, facing one way, cars are speeding bye in unbelivable speeds, the minutte i turn around they start piling up in a huge crash. It's like the game is going so fast it can't control the game mechanics or something i dunno.

Old pc spec:

P4 3GHz lga 775 cpu

1GB DDR2 (6000 something )

ATI Radeon x800

Asus P5AD2 ( motherboard )

New pc spec:

AMD AM2 4600+ ( Dual Core )

2GB DDR2 ( 8500 )

Nvidia GeForce 7950 with 1GB DDR3

Asus M2N32 SLI-deluxe ( motherboard )

I used the same hardrive a Raptor 10000rpm's disk, it's only the 4 things stated above that was changed, oh yes and a powersupply ( Seasonic 650W ) but i can't seem to think that will ahve anything to do with it.

Has anyone ever experiensed something like this?

I have tried reinstalling the game aswell, seeing i did a full format of my computer when i installed the new parts.

Any help is much appritiated, seeingi really miss the game very much :/


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First, I'd like to welcome you to the foums and congradulate you for making such a detailed help topic, since too many n00bs post just things like helphelphelp. Like they want to help me, not vice versa.

Okay, it's obvious that your PC is waaaaay too fast for SA. The problem is probably that your frame rate limiter is turned off. So just go to options>video and turn the frame limiter on. This should lock your frame rate to 25fps and make the game playable to average people, not only some ultra-mutants with 1ms response time. And of course, max the details.

Btw some killing specs you've got there. Can I have your computer for a bit? :D

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First, I'd like to welcome you to the foums and congradulate you for making such a detailed help topic, since too many n00bs post just things like helphelphelp. Like they want to help me, not vice versa.

Okay, it's obvious that your PC is waaaaay too fast for SA. The problem is probably that your frame rate limiter is turned off. So just go to options>video and turn the frame limiter on. This should lock your frame rate to 25fps and make the game playable to average people, not only some ultra-mutants with 1ms response time. And of course, max the details.

Btw some killing specs you've got there. Can I have your computer for a bit? :D

Thx for the welcome :)

Hmm maybe my frame rate limiter is broken then somehow? As it is turned on...

Running it on a 24" lcd aswell at 1900*1200 resolution*32bits depth

Anti antalizing is turned on and set to 3, drawing distance set to max and all other settings set to max / highest.

I was playing with the idea that my computer must be to fast, but i didn't think that kind of mailfunction was "possible" anymore, tought game developers tought of such things ( that's prolly why the frame modifier is there thou ) but it dosn't seem to work for me :/

Only time i can ever remember encountering an error like this was when i waws playing around with an amiga emulator long long ago and playing old games, solved it with downloading a cpu slowdown tool, but it seems kinda daft trying that for this, as it's prolly the fps ( gfxcard ) and not the cpu that does this?

or am i wrong here?

thx for taking the time to help me.

Any other suggestions to what might solv it? As i really miss the game


i mean jeez, to think one can build a pc that's to fast for games today :/ hihi

PS! i saw your a fan so here's a little strofe for ya

From a battle I've come

To a battle I ride

Blazing up to the sky

Chains of fate

Hold a fiery stride

I'll see you again when I die

Edited by TheDuck
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Hmm maybe my frame rate limiter is broken then somehow? As it is turned on...

Might be. You can delete the gtasa.set file from my documents/san andreas user files/ and restart the game. If the fps limiter is broken. That helps when something with game's configuration is f***ed up. If that doesn't help, perhaps try to get a patch or something, but I doubt that'll help.

Only time i can ever remember encountering an error like this was when i waws playing around with an amiga emulator long long ago and playing old games, solved it with downloading a cpu slowdown tool, but it seems kinda daft trying that for this, as it's prolly the fps ( gfxcard ) and not the cpu that does this?

Yes, those tools were required because there weren't frame rate limiters at that time.

PS! i saw your a fan so here's a little strofe for ya

From a battle I've come

To a battle I ride

Blazing up to the sky

Chains of fate

Hold a fiery stride

I'll see you again when I die

Oh cool, nice to see some more fans on the site :thumbsup:

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Might be. You can delete the gtasa.set file from my documents/san andreas user files/ and restart the game. If the fps limiter is broken. That helps when something with game's configuration is f***ed up.

Nop didn't help :/

If that doesn't help, perhaps try to get a patch or something, but I doubt that'll help.

Will try and search a bit more about the subject, but i can't seem to find any info about this problem.

I was thinking of editing the "gtasa.set" file to manually set a frame limit, but i think it's encrypted, as i can't make head's or tails of it in either notepad or wordpad.

Maybe open it in a hex editor? I will try that later.

I'll keep you updated.

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Lol, this rarely happens, but it seems that fastest isn't always the best. Do you wanna switch PC's? Mine's pretty much like your old one, 3.2Ghz, 1GB RAM, GeForce 6800LE. SA works fine, it even lags sometimes when there are lots of objects on the screen.

Plus you have lots of metal music on it (including Manowar) :D


I just got an idea, maybe it's related to the dual core CPU. Try disabling the second core if that's possible, that should reduce the CPU speed by a higher amount.

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I just got an idea, maybe it's related to the dual core CPU. Try disabling the second core if that's possible, that should reduce the CPU speed by a higher amount.

Problem is solved, THX ALOT buddy, finally i can play the game again and have some uber fun.

The soultion was as u suggested, deactivating one of the core's while running the game.

This can be done by starting the game, multi tasking out in windows, open up the Windows Task Manager, find gta_sa.exe, right click it and choose Set Affinity, and deaktivate CPU1 so that only CPU0 is running it.

Again thx alot for the help.


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