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About MarkD1990

  • Birthday 03/01/1990

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  • Favourite GTA
    GTA IV
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  • Interests
    Gaming and Web Design

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  1. Happy New Year to all my family and friends. Hopefully you will all have a good New Year.XxxBlwyddyn Newydd dda I fy telu a frindiau. Gobeithio bydd chi'n gyd gael blwyddyn newydd dda.Xxx

  2. Katrina is getting frustrated at Sonic the Hedgehog because she keeps dying. Bless her. Natasha still got this cold wish it would go away

  3. Just want to wish all my family and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. X

  4. Is only just awake and walking to work on Christmas Eve. I wonder if work will be dead or quite busy due to opening at midnight. Deffo after work il have to have a can of Rockstar

  5. Finished work today at 4:30 and then I gotta go back in at 3am so over 4 hours to go till then and change the whole cake layout for new cakes so good bye xmas stock, see you next year haha but do i go to sleep?On the other hand I hope Katrina and Natasha Marie will get better soon. Love you both loads xx

  6. im selling my xbox because i love my gf so much and im driving her mad comes with a bag of games and all the accsessories infact might give i away free and the new games ive got for xmas come with it :) dedicated bf i am

  7. Wooo I got a new 2nd cousin. Congrats to Mathew Mc Dowall and Sian Chapman. Hope your all doing okay :-) on the other hand I hope Katrina will feel.better soon, all of these infections is ridiculous especially in one go. Get well soon babes I love you soo much

  8. I.have a smelly big bum!!!My poor girl.katrina is so unwell dissyness septic tonsils swollen glands chest infection.pitty on her :-( hope ur better soon love you

  9. Has not long finished work and just demolished a kebab and back in work by 6 in the morning. Grabbing the extra hours as much as i can so i can get a decent wage in January :-D bring it on. Altho think were of to bed in a bit. Set alarm for 5.

  10. Looking back on some photos brings back alot of memories

  11. Jahmene to win X Factor!MMMM a cheese tostie before bed tonight, Katrina already in bed

  12. Has just got back from Cosmo in town with Katrina and her brother Callum :-) im stuffed lol now im chilling in work till my shift starts. And the managers watching Jeremy Kyle on the canteen tv going Jezza Jezza haha gotta laugh. Cant wait for home time tho

  13. Grand Theft Auto V Petition for PC Format http://t.co/BAv7QxnC

  14. A petition has been created online by Grand Theft Auto fans who really want Rockstar Games to make a PC version of GTA V. Today, the Change.org petition for GTA V to be released for the PC has surpassed its initial goal of 100,000 supporters. Due to reaching this goal in such a quick pace, the creators of this petition have now moved on to a greater goal. As can be seen on the official listing for the GTA V petition, the goal is now set at 150,000 supporters. Currently, there are a total of approximately 116,434 supporters for this petition. We have signed the petition ourselves but in my opinion Rockstar Games may not take any notice of petitions, but yet again they might since they are only one of a few gaming companies that actually listen and take feedback from their fans. Also in other news, gamers are set to delve into the Grand Theft Auto V universe through their Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 systems, but how big of a universe is it? There are no real figures yet, but considering the size of GTA IV which is around 10 to 15 GB, the blockbuster-bound GTA V surely to surpass that by leaps and bounds. Our idea of Grand Theft Auto V being fitted to 60 GB game surely won’t surprise a lot of people. Previous Rockstar Games titles such as L.A. Noire used to be a six-disc Xbox 360 game until it took them “a lot of effort to get down to three discs” which you can see now on retail stores. The factors that contribute to the size of the game mainly derived from the detail they put on the map as well as the character’s performances. Also with the map size, you will be playing in an area that is bigger than GTA IV, San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption, so imagine the size of the game if it does get released onto PC, it'll be like the size of the three games combined. Source: Rockstar Source
  15. Everyone will be happy with xFactor tonight, goodbye Rylan!

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