Cheats for GTA - available on iOS, Android, Kindle Fire & Windows

Cheats for GTA is an app that provides simple, quick and easy access to every cheat code for every Grand Theft Auto game on all consoles/platforms. It's available for iOS, Android, Amazon Kindle/Fire, Windows Phone and Windows 8.1/10. And it's absolutely FREE!
Does it really have cheats for every GTA game?
Yup! The full list of games and platforms supported:
- Grand Theft Auto V - PS3/PS4/Xbox 360/Xbox One/PC
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - DS/PSP/iOS/Android
- GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony - PS3/360/PC
- GTA IV: The Lost and Damned - PS3/360/PC
- Grand Theft Auto IV - PS3/360/PC
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - PSP/PS2
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - PSP/PS2
- Grand Theft Auto Advance - GBA
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PS2/PC/Xbox
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - PS2/PC/Xbox
- Grand Theft Auto III - PS2/PC/Xbox
- Grand Theft Auto 2 - PC/PS1/DC/GBC
- Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 - PC/PS1
- Grand Theft Auto - PC/PS1/GBC
NOTE: There are two exceptions; the iOS and Windows Phone versions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas - these games use the PC cheats but there is currently no way to enter them in the game. On Android versions of those games, the PC cheats can be entered if you have a USB keyboard connected.
Is this app really free?
Yes. I don't believe it would be fair to make people pay for access to the cheats, after all, you could just spend time searching the Internet for them to get them for free. App development is a job though, and I have to make money somehow, so that is why the app is ad-supported. Ads are as unintrusive as possible; just a simple banner at the bottom of the page. If you appreciate the convenience the app provides, or just want to get the ads removed, you may choose to pay a very small fee to remove the ads permanently.
NOTE: In-app purchases (IAP) are not currently available in the version from Amazon's Appstore.
My device is in English, can I use the app in a different language?
Yes, as of version 2.1.10 you can override your device's language and use the app in any language we support.
iOS and Android: Tap the icon at the top left of the main page and then tap the "Language" button.
Windows Phone: Tap the icon at the bottom of the main page and then swipe right to the "Language" page.
Windows 8.1/10: Click on the icon at the top left of the menu bar and click on "Settings" to open the settings flyout, then click on "Language" link.
Can I help translate into my language?
Yes you can! Cheats for GTA has become a worldwide success on the App Store, and we are frequently asked to offer the app in languages other than English. With over 400 phrases in the app to translate (there's a LOT of cheats!) we felt the best way to translate the app was to let you guys help us out. We're using OneSky to crowdsource the translations, so you'll need to sign up there first (it's completely free). If you feel like helping us, follow the instructions below. You can translate as little or as much as you'd like - the more people that help, the quicker we'll get it done.
- Head over to our translation centre hosted by OneSky. If you don't already have an account, follow the link to sign up.
- Scroll down to the "GTA Cheats" project, you should see there are 2 sections - one is the App Store description, the other contains all the words and phrases in the app itself, we'll need both fully translated eventually, so click one now and you should see a list of languages.
- Find your language and click on it. You should now have a page of phrases, with English on the left, and a box next to each one for you to type in the translation. You may see some have already been completed by another translator. This is fine, you can upvote if you agree with their translation, or correct it if it's wrong. If the box is empty, you can type in the translation and press TAB to save it and move on to the next one.
Please ensure you have used the correct spelling and proper capitalisation, including any accents or diacritic marks on letters.
There are 9 pages of phrases, feel free to skip anything you're not sure about - you can translate as much or as little of the app as you like - we seriously appreciate all the help we can get.
Don't see your language? Send Chris an email ([email protected] ) and tell him what language you want to translate to, if OneSky supports it, we'll enable it for you.
Please visit and post in the forums if you need support for this app, or would like to report a bug or request new features.