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Everything posted by jessecamp

  1. Well superior to MY Card. Thanks for the heads up by the way, and works well, since i'm running an AMD processor. End of april, jeez, that's not too long.. Thanks a bunch! my question is, how come someoneelse can ggt away with an even lower graphics card and i can't?
  2. im in emerson nj 07630 budget? too low..im working on this bahemeth haha, probably 40 maybe fifty if its nessacary..truck parts are os much $$$$
  3. i got my old 19" monitor, i tried to set it up..so i restart my comp. it shows up until right before the login screen, it shwos the windows loading screen and everything but then turns black.. idk what to do! i want toplay! and no wonder when i turned widescreen off it didn't get mesed up for five minutes.
  4. but don't i have double the requirements? that is what my buddy said when i called him bitching about how it wasn't working...
  5. yeah i had already lowered my fx to low... god this sounds like a little bitch graphics card nvidia geforce fx 2500 may help to add.. for my desktop my res. is 1024 by 768 and on s.a. im set to widescreen since im on a tv and shiz.
  6. yeah i'm dumb, where can i find that? i've changed the settings to basically every possibility though idk what to set the majority of the stuff to so i have the ideal setup.
  7. i have a 26" tv/monitor setup right...and i start playing and after a few minutes i get strange blocks showing up but the game doesn't crash...is there a way i could lower anything, or adjust something so i can play^# it's killing me, im dying to play without fixing my resolution every minute so i can see what is going on.. idk what other stats you need..and laugh if you must with my gen 2 buts she reliable i remember like 3 years ago i ran vice city np, i know its a big difference but i had this huge skin pack i downloaded off limewire which changed every vehicle/plane/person EVERYTHING and i didn't have a problem..alright enough stories, can you tell me what i can do?
  8. try re installing, just save your saved game file so you can keep going from where you left off? mods can also cause this as well.
  9. im having a very similar problem on xp...i get distorted blocks and stuff, i messed with all my resolution and everything and still no cigar..hopefully someone acn bioth help us.
  10. haha thanks man, that would have taken me days to figure out, i always tend to think its in program files.
  11. where do i put a saved game file so that i don't need to beat the whole gmae? i already downloaded one of the 100% files but i don't know where to put it. anyhelp, sorry its stupid, but thanks! also, since i don't want to do another post... i got a 26" plasma tv/computer monitor, and sometimes the game gets all blocky and i can't see what the hell is going on..how can i fix this? i don't really know what other info you need.HELP! what should i change my advanced settings to? i bet anything thats it, i mean idk really what they should be at.
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