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  1. (VCS on a PS2) "Unfriendly competition". I must've tried it a dozen times. So many times that I now detest reattempting. First part is easy. Go to the house across the road and snipe all 4 dudes from across the street. If you're lucky (and quick) they never even get a chance to shoot back. Second part is a b*tch, but *is* do-able using the sniper & grenade/molotov method someone else suggested in a separate posting. Third part (chasing the dude across the beach) is an absolute pain in the ass (not doing it per se, but *having* to do it.. if that makes sense). I've only ever got to this part twice, the first time I was so health-depleted after a misplaced molotov in pt 2 that I got shot and wasted. Second time I got to this point I ended up coming off the quad and by sheer dumbass bad luck it landed in the sea.. by the time I got more wheels the dude had escaped. I was really p*ssed. Haven't tried it since. I went on to do other mission threads and some empire building. Good thing there's always plenty of things to do in GTAworld
  2. Bridge(s) open up after completion of mission "From Zero to Hero". You'll also hear on the car radios news reports that the impending hurricane has missed vice city altogether and airports, bridges and waterways are open.
  3. This took me three or four goes, but when I figured this method out, I was amazed how "unrushed" I was doing it.. (And cheat-free). (I in fact did it like this twice..) I'm playing PS2 version. 1. Jump in Lance's car and get to the Ammunation as quick as poss.. When you're there, don't just get the one free rocket launcher, buy three or four of them to build the ammo up. 2. drive to the police station and up the ramp to the steps. 3. when you're on the roof, take out the two antennas.. if you're lucky, on one of my attempts, the right-hand antenna explosion took out the two cops standing next to the helicopter. saved me shooting them. You'll have 2 stars by now anyway. Get in the heli, fly to the little havana police stn. You'll have plenty of time. 4. land on the roof, and QUICKLY take out the helicopter buzzing around shooting at you. No more will come. 5. take out the two antennas. Be careful not to stand too close, or not to damage the chopper. 6. You'll have 4 stars by now. 7. Back in the heli, fly to the downtown police station, but DONT go near it. land on the TALL building overlooking the police station - just to the south of it. it's a nice, big, flat grey roof. land in the middle, it will protect the chopper from being shot at. 8. run to the edge of the roof (dont fall off) and you can take out the two remaining antennas from there. You'll have 5 stars. 9. Back in the chopper, now to get rid of the wanted stars.. others have suggested jacking a car and getting to a pay-and-spray, but there's an easier way. (I mentioned I did this twice.. That's cos the car I jacked got so shot up it exploded IN the pay and spray before the door closed. I was p*ssed!!) 10. Fly to the construction site nearby. right at the bottom of the red crane is a police bribe. Just land the chopper on it and take off again. 4 stars. 11. Fly to the police bribe behind near the trailer park. do the same. 3 stars. 12. Your choice whether you now land and jack a car to pay-and-spray, or just wait til the bribes respawn. go back between the two and just keep landing on bribes. You'll pass the mission. I found even with 5 stars, unless I got real close to the ground, I didn't get shot at a real lot (but it was fun watching the SWAT vans crashing into themselves and blowing up below...!)
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