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Everything posted by Cudwieser

  1. Just a reminder. Does anybody have any help or answers to my previous question.
  2. Sure: http://www.thegtaplace.com/pafiledb.php?ac...ile&id=2315 (dft and forklift) http://www.thegtaplace.com/pafiledb.php?ac...ile&id=1435 (Scania) There are a lot of great downloads on this site and many (please forgive me) others on GTAGARAGE.com Back to the point at hand, does anybody know any successful means of curing the stalling issue. A thought had came to me in the course of a day at work (it was a dull day). Is there a distinct possibility the downgrader is patchy (no pun intended). Version 2 won't work with mods, but version 1 will work (within reason) with mods, but a downgraded game, like mine, is faulty!?! What are your thoughts.
  3. Out of curiosity, what sytem setup (specs, components and devices) are you running. As I said before, when the scania mod was the only mod active, the game gave me enough time to find and drive the scania, before freezing a few minutes later. Now I would like to know if there is DEFINITIVE evidence of the game reanimating after some time or if most stalls (not counting those caused by spawners) are terminal. Also, While I agree that some of the mods may conflict, there must be a serious underlying issue between the v2 game (downgraded or not), that makes modding difficult. Such examples are the wang autos elegy mods.
  4. That's just it. When the game crashed with the scania mod, it was the only mod active. The dft and forklift mods were on together when the crashed near the sf airport and refinery near tunnel, near sf airport. It seems to me either two of the three mods, all of the three mods or quite probably the game are defective (relatively speaking). It seems modding may be totally out of the question for Version 2 gamers.
  5. So that I get this right, when applying a mod to a vehicle, the original txd and dff extentions remain inside the gta3.img alongside the equivalent, modified extentions. I say this because the scania mod worked with just the modified extention, but crashed a few minutes after jacking the truck in blueberry and driving into little mexico, via rodeo in LS. I even managed to use the pay 'n' spray at santa maria beach along the way.
  6. It is Version 2 (bought only last week), It has been reinstalled a couple of times and the mods were to change the line runner into a scania (european cabover tractor unit), the dft30 into a car carrying box van and the forklift into a car carrying version. Some of the mods will be from gtagarage website and some will be from here. JPGs are attached.
  7. I appologise to all those who have replied to this issue, but the responses are all over the forums, thus incredibly speradic. So please use this thead to formally clear the issue. I have v2 of San Andreas for Pc. I have installed the downgrader, three random car mods and a successful save game. I start the game as usual and get so far and the game freezes (crashes). I have followed some of the previous advice (limit the number of mods, check for bugs, wait for 20 to 40 seconds, etc) and nothing works. Can you please state all known or suspected causes of this problem and effective solutions.
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