Fat Cobra
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Everything posted by Fat Cobra
In my spare time i like to mod cars or play Lets Get Ready to Bumble or i sleep
VCPR with Maurice Chavez, the a hole.
Fat Cobra replied to Fat Cobra's topic in General GTAVC Discussion
Hey! Hey! Hey! fat albert, I have dial up but i don't play any games online i only go online for cheat codes or anything else important -
VCPR with Maurice Chavez, the a hole.
Fat Cobra replied to Fat Cobra's topic in General GTAVC Discussion
It's ok -
VCPR with Maurice Chavez, the a hole.
Fat Cobra replied to Fat Cobra's topic in General GTAVC Discussion
I posted that because i thought the bored people with dial up internet connection would figure out something to do while they read that, because you know how right when you get off line and log off you figure out something to do. then you hve to log on again and go thru dial up then go to the site they want to Do you get what i'm saying. -
I like to get the ULTIMATE VEHICLE and shooting the rockets and guns and i also like getting the minigun which shoots out a million bullets at a time. It is fun!
Maurice: Thanks guys! Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Pressing Issues on VCPR. That's Vice City Public Radio. Radio which gives people exactly what they want: High quality educational programming about serious topics and the consistent reminder that this world is going to hell in a handbasket if you don't give us money. Remember, Vice City Public Radio is commercial free because it is funded entirely by donations by our listeners... and corporate sponsors. So, if you're enjoying the show, why not make a contribution? I am Maurice Chavez, and this is Pressing Issues. Pressing Issues is a roundtable discussion group in which we as self-important people exactly what they think about things and then they argue amongst themselves for a bit... Before leaving with views more extreme than when they came in. Only joking, ladies and gentlemen! This is a show founded on the ancient Greek principle of enlightened debate and the American principle of free speech. Or is that the ancient Greek priniciple of feeding wisemen hemlock and the American principle of being annoying (annoyed?) and loud so no one can get a word in? I forget. Only time will tell. Now, the subject that we are discussing right now on Pressing Issues with me, Maurice Chavez, for your enlightenment and enjoyment is a very serious one: Public Safety. In case you haven't noticed, Vice City is not a very safe place. These are troubled times. We are a troubled people. Some would say we are a people at war with ourselves. Other say we are at war with reality. Those who live in other countries and strive to own our fast food restaurants and Kwik-E-Marts would say we are a blood- thirsty bunch of crazies who let children buy guns from the super markets. Another opinion is that it is the fault of society. That, as Plato said, "People don't mean to kill each other." It happens because they are poor or desperate or really thirsty or in need of a vacation or something. Another view is that we are all a little confused and really should stay at home, locked in doors and forget about everything as quickly as possible. So, let's press the issue, eh?! Sitting at our panel right now, we have three divergent opinions. Three separate items of insanity in a rolling sea of stupidity. Three wisemen following very different stars. To my right, heh, to everyone's right in fact, we have congressman Alex Shrub; the youngest state congressman to ever be elected by Vice City and now a respected man in the capital. Mr. Shrub got elected because he has great hair and says things that make you nod your head. His campaign appealed to the wealthy because he set all of us at ease by confirming, "It's okay to be rich, as long as you say you care about the children." Mr. Shrub, welcome! Alex: That's not entirely true, Maurice. My campaign also appealed to the poor... who were too stupid to understand what I'm saying, so I held up pretty pictures and then I gave out candy bars to appeal to their most base insticts. Thanks Maurice. I'm glad to be given this opportunity to set the record straight. Maurice: I haven't given you any opportunity yet, my heartless friend. Let me introduce my other guest first. Alex: I hope this isn't going to get personal. I love Vice City more than anyone, and I can proove it. Maurice: Yes, that's coming from the man who got elected by calling his opponent a "buffalo butt" and a fat, hen-pecked wimp that couldn't fight his way out of a wet, paper bag. Anyway, our next guest is from the opposite end of the political spectrum. A man so wet, he looks like he just stepped out of the shower. Peace Corps activist, hippie concert taper, founder of the group "Speaking for the Underdog". He is fluent in seven languages and studied the harp in Peru: Callum Crayshaw. Callum: Hi Maurice! Hola. Buenos dias and noches. Bonjour and buongiorno. Wilkommen. Hallo, hello, hi! Maurice: Uhhehehe... Let's stick to English. Most of us struggle enough with that. Welcome to Pressing Issues... And lastly, we have a man with a noble solution to the problems of public safety in Vice City. A solution so stupid, I cannot bring myself to explain it for him. Yet, like break dancing, it is sadly catching on. A man who appears on this fine show because our previous know-it-all panelist was car-jacked and is now at home arming himself to the teeth. I give you John F. Hickory. John: How y'all doing!? Maurice: Indeed. So, before we get started, gentlemen, let me remind you of the rules of engagement. Here on Pressing Issues, the number one rated show on public radio in the Vice City are and hosted by me, Maurice Chavez. Pressing Issues is about free speech, not feeding each other hemlock, literally or metaphorically. John: My daddy used to grow that stuff in the back woods in Missouri. HOOOWEEE! I tell you what! Maurice: Yes, thank you! I expect you to listen to each other and I will only step in when necessary only so people on the Earth don't forget what my voice sounds like, heh heh heh heh. So, I want a clean fight. Nothing below the belt on in the chops. And remember Maurice's moto, which a very wiseman, my father, once told me, "If you listen, one day you might be heard and when in doubt, use the smell test." That's so important I think. Don't you? So, congressman, let's start with you. Crime is up, people are scared to walk the streets, nobody is taking public transportation, police morale is at an all-time low, everyone is killing and maiming and giving each other the finger, metaphorically speaking. Do you think the government is doing a good job? Alex: Absolutely! Those statistics are interesting, but like all statistics, they are also irrelevant. Let me give you a better statistic, Chavez. In 1980, when I was elected and you were, according to the intelligence gathered on you, a man with no mission. You worked as a clown at birthday parties, corporate functions, bar mitzvahs, and go-go bars. You, realizing that you were a hollow man that can only take on the personality of others, decided to become an actor... And despite going up for 17 auditions that year, you only got work as a fluffer in a sex ed. video. Your tax returns show that you earn less than $2000. Suffering from anxiety, you attended a group therapy for a year and considered getting a sex change. An idiot liberal felt sorry for you and now you host your own radio show, write a newspaper column (that lines my bird cage), you got an ex-wife and an attractive girlfriend although she's married to your best friend, and you're on top of the world. So answer me this... Can you really say the years of living under my administration have been bad for you? Maurice: Eh, eh. We are not talking about me. This is Pressing Issues, not Pressing Maurice. Callum: Yes, excuse me if I may. Can we get to the part where we press the issue? Alex: You see, that's what's wrong with this city. Liberals just want to open the floodgates, let anyone in, and make you, the ordinary hard- working men and women pay for the pleasure. Well, you have my permission to beat them with sticks. We won't prosecute. You'd be doing us all a favor! Free love, wig out, don't work, make love in the field, and listen to rock-n-roll or whatever you call it. Meanwhile, Crayshaw, I know your father. He's made a lot of money which makes him a great person, but for every good conservative they end up having some wacko, commie kid just back from a vacation in the orient who wants to share. Go take that sharing business to Cuba or Canada or somewhere. I don't have a trust fund or a rich daddy. I know what it is to be poor and to look at the world from the other side. I slept my way to the top. John: Ehem, if you two would stop, uh, hootin' and carryin' on, I have a plan that will save Florida from the yellow-bellied snakes that want to slither into this great state from all places north. Alex: Oh, look. Stump-jumpin' Jethro is using all three of his brain cells to talk! Maurice: Enough! We've just started and you have prooved yourself, Mr. Shrub, to be just as they said. I grant you, 1980 was not a high point in my career, but I never applied for a sex change. I was merely in an exploratory phase and besides which, Sal the Wheat-free clown was a funny act! Once voted the best upincoming dietary restrictive comic act in the whole of Vice City. I tried to take it to the Catskills, but Mount Scarylarge was full. Besides, we are not talking about me. We are talking about you. Alex: Actually, if I remember correctly, you didn't win. Mary the Meat- Free Mime won. In fact, under legislation I am proposing, all of you vegetarians will be kicked out of Vice City. We were given canines and bicuspids for a reason... To open packages of potato chips. Maurice: Hey! Don't get wrong! I always hated that bitch! What's funny about a woman not eating a hamburger, or miming saving a chicken from the slaughterer's hands? ...Or her big act: "I Am a Milk Cow: A Lactating Machine For Your Breakfast Cereal"? How do you think a little kiddie liked that on his brithday, not very much."
I need some help @ the VM Abandoned Airstrip When i go into the place to take flying school missions there is a big red blip with a little blip inside it. I ve completed the main story missions but i didn't do the heist missions and when i try to go into the missions for the big blip the flying school thing comes up and i think the big blip missions are for the Heist missions. so who can help
Treat others the way you want to be treated. NO CUSSING! God is looking down on you right now saying you're going to burn in Hell