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Everything posted by mfcc08

  1. FunGt you are a beast! Thank you very much!
  2. Hey I was trying to modify the Hotring to a Supra from fast and furious and i changed the data/vehicles id for the car and I was wondering if someone had the original id of this car. Me being stupid, tried to back up the file, but overwrited it with the new one, so if someone has the original id of this car in their backups i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. Again the file is in the data section in vehicles and i need the hotring id. Thank you.
  3. Hey i started to mod the Hotring to a Supra but realized that it wouldn't be a good idea. I only changed one thing the Data/Vehicle Id of the Hot Ring. The new id that i put in is 494, hotring, hotring, car, HOTRING, HOTRING, null, ignore, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0.7715, 0.7715, -1495, sandking, sandking, car, SANDKING, SANDKIN, null, ignore, 4, 0, 0, -1, 0.972, 0.972, -1 Could someone tell me the original one because just like it said, if you don't back it up it WILL crash and sure enough it did, so if someone could tell me the original id i would appreciate it. Thanks
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