i agree with most of you this game is disappointing compared to the others there doesnt seem to be the same atmosphere as the previous games and extra things to do, you could turn on vc or sa and play for hours without doing any story missions where as this one seems more like gta 3 where story missions are main focus.I havent completed this game yet i played it for about 1 week and im virtually at the end but for some reason i cant be bothered to turn it on and finish it to me that is a bad sign seen as i still play vc and sa now after years of having them ,it just doesnt seem to have that special something that made the other game so brilliant , i was also disappointed with the different islands which all look pretty much identical i know its based on new york but they could have had something new to see, i just cant see me playing this game from the start again like previous gtas thats if i can be arsed to turn it back on and finish it in the first place.