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Everything posted by Y4S33N

  1. Also its not as direly needed to me as above but... http://www.droidgamers.com/index.php/tutorials-and-guides/tutorials/3088-gta-iii10-anniversary-cheat-sheet hey modders, can you mod this??? obviously the average person with no knowledge of modding will find it extremely difficult even with instructions. In the link above, is how to mod gta 3 like including real cars e.g lamborghini, bmw etc. in the game. scroll down a bit though to see what im on about : ) Also i have checked, it isnt like illegal by warez rulebreaking or whatever.... To my recollection P.S Is it a computer game or an android game?? Preferably android because it means i can play it on my tablet
  2. Hi first time on this forum and registered about 5 mins ago (but know my way round forums) Cut to the chase, can someone mod gta 3, with infinate sprint because the ambulance missions are extremely difficult and I've done read all guides etc. And still fail. I have searched for if someone does have an existing mod for this but no results were shown for it. So os it possible to mod the character to have "infinite sprint" - im not sure if its mentioned on the website to my recollection - but this is awarded to the person if they complete the ambulance missions to level 15 100% - however i can never seem to complete it fully even looking at tips and hints online.
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